Rachel didn't know what to say. She was really excited to just tell them about Joey's plan but she can't ruin that for him. Still, it was very difficult for Rachel to keep secrets for too long, especially secrets as exciting as this one.

Luckily, Ross entered the apartment in that moment, totally helping Rachel to change the subject.

The three girls turned around to look at him. Rachel crossed her arms, smiling sarcastically when he walked over the kitchen table where his friends were.

"Oh, look who it is. My husband, the apple of my eye", she said with obvious sarcasm.

Ross turned to gave her a look, deciding not to comment on that. "I got us a court date tomorrow at two", he simply replied. "I'm going to take care of everything".

"Cause I don't have any reason to doubt you", Rachel insisted. She stood up, taking the file away from Ross. "We're doing this my way, and I don't want to hear a peep out of you!".


"Ah, you're peeping!", she cuts him off inmediately. Ross stood up, mumbling uninteligable words as he hands her the pen he was holding. "Why did you do this, Ross?", Rachel insisted. She looked really upset, disappointed and sad. They're supposed to be friends, and yet he was capable of lying to her about something so delicate and important.

"I told you...".

"Do not say it's because of the three failed marriages!", she inmediately cuts him off.

"If you had two failed marriages, you'd understand", Ross insisted, trying to defend himself.

"You're half way there, Rach!", Alycia joked from the kitchen, earing a look from Ross. "Okay, not my conversation. Got it. Keep it going".

"I can't believe this! I don't think I've ever been this angry", Rachel continued complaining over what Ross did, reading the file on her hand and signing her name on the paper.

"What about the time I said we were on a break?".

Rachel closed the file angrily, giving him a look. Ross decided to look away, not daring to say anything else to get her even more upset.


Alycia walked inisde Joey's apartment, stopping on her tracks after noticing he was in the kitchen, cleaning the counter. She gave him a confused look, not knowing why he's cleaning...considering he never does that.

"Oh, hey!", Joey smiled, walking closer to her for a kiss before going back to what he was previously doing.

Alycia still looked awfully confused. "Hi, Joey. What are you doing?".

"Cleaning", he shrugged, answering the obvious question.

Alycia walked to the living room to leave her purse and coat on one of the recliners, turning to look at Joey.

"What's that smell?", she asked.

"Oh, it's a air freshner I just bought. You like it?", he asked, somehow looking really excited about this cleaning situation.

"Sure", Alycia replied, furrowing her eyebrows. She has never felt any more confused in her entire life. "Is everything okay, Joe?".

"Totally", he replied. "Why?".

"Well, I can't find a reasonable explination of why you're cleaning the apartment", she shrugged.

"I just felt like it", Joey shrugged back. Alycia's expression changed from confused to surprised. She never imagined hearing him saying he's claning cause he felt like it.

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