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2; the one with Joey's girlfriend.

2; the one with Joey's girlfriend

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"Hello? What's this?".

"Your dignity about to be utterly destroyed?", Alycia replied sarcastically to Ross after he threw a napkin on the floor in front of Rachel. Her friend smiles up at her for the joke, turning back to look at the book on her lap shortly after.

Ross glared at her. "As I was saying; what's this? Oh, it's a girl's phone number".

"Yeah, there it is", Chandler agreed with Alycia.

It wasn't much of a surprise, but Rachel and Ross broke up again.

It all happened because Ross disagreed with Rachel's letter where she wrote that the only way for them to get back together was if he took all the blame for their previous break up (when he cheated on her). Of course he went back to the "we were on a break" crap and now they're hating each other all over again.

He kept rambling about the phone number while Rachel totally ignored him, focusing on her book instead.

Phoebe was about to sneeze, so Rachel took the chance to snatch the napkin out of his hand, giving it to Phoebe. She sneezed on the napkin, passing it back to Ross as Rachel smirked.


"What's with them stalking the girl?", Alycia asked as she enters the coffee house, noticing Chandler and Joey next to a redhaired girl.

"Chandler was gonna ask her out, but turns out she was waiting for Joey because they're having a date", Ross explained.

"Oh", she nodded, not entirely sure what to say.

She wanted to come up with something funny or sarcastic, probably something about Chandler, but her mind was way too focused of the fact that Joey was having a date.

Not like she actually cared, though.

"You're okay?", Monica asked.

Alycia always felt like Monica had this gift to read people's thoughts, especially hers. She loves and hates that about her at the same time.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?", she fakes a smile while sitting next to her friends.

"Well you did kiss back when we were on the trip", Ross pointed out. "I mean, are you sure it didn't mean anything?".

"Of course it didn't mean anything. Joey's my friend", Alycia quickly replied.

"You're doing that thing when your voice gets really high-pitched", Rachel smiles softly at her. "That's my way to know that you're lying".

"I'm not lying", she scoffed, still with a high-pitched tone.


"You know what? I like Kathy", Monica admitted when she and Joey were gone after Phoebe's performance at the coffee house.

Alycia silently rolled her eyes and focused on her cup of coffee.

"Me too!", Chandler says excitedly. "She's so cool and pretty. She's smart, funny– you know, we were up all night talking and she said the funniest thing about...what?", he said when he noticed everyone was looking at him with a tiny smirk on their faces. Everyone but Alycia.

"You love her", Rachel teased.

"Oh please", Alycia scoffed, rolling her eyes again.

"Someone's in a mood", Ross pointed out. "Al, what's wrong?"

"You're all making it sound as if Kathy is such a big deal. It's just girl, there are other billions of those in the world!".

Before anyone could say anything else, Alycia took her stuff and headed out of the shop, still wondering why she's so upset over Kathy and everyone loving her. She doesn't even know the girl that much and she's already sick of her.


"I don't know what to do!", Chandler shouts when he entered Alycia's apartment.

She was reading a book on her living room when he walked in. She looks at him for a few seconds before putting the book on the table.

"Fill me in".

"Joey and Kathy wanted me to hang out with them last night and Joey thinks I don't like her when it's the exact same opposite! She started talking about setting me up with one of her friends and I kept telling her no. I mean, what was I suppose to do? Tell her that I didn't want to date any of her stupid friends because I'm too busy being secretly in love with her?", he said way too fast for Alycia to fully understand his story.

Alycia blinked a few times. "Well that does sounds like a problem".

"I know you hate Kathy so, how do you do it without making it too obvious and act like everything's fine?".

"Well first, I'm not secretly in love with her so that's a very good point in my favor", she smiles sarcastically. "Look, you have to either tell Joey or just...hide your feelings forever".

"I can't tell Joey", he sighed.

"Honey, I know it sucks and it hurts so much to see her with another guy, but there's nothing left for you to do if you can't talk to him about it. I'm sure he'll understand if you just tell him how you feel".

Chandler nodded. "Yeah, but I can't".

Alycia rolled her eyes before shrugging, "Guess there's nothing more to discuss".

"I can't believe my own damn luck that he met her first", he sighed, sitting on the couch next to her.

"I wish I could have another solution for you", she said sadly, wrapping her arms around him for a comforting hug. "I hate seeing you like this".

"At least you listened. That's enough for me", Chandler said with a soft smile on his face. "Thanks".

"Oh, you're welcome", she giggled softly, resting her head on one of his shoulders. "I love you, Chan-man".

"Love you too, Alycia".


"Can I sleep on your couch?".

Alycia nodded quickly at Chandler's question, allowing him to enter the apartment. It was the middle of the night and, aside from her being half-asleep, the sight of her friend looking so defeated with a pillow and a blanket totally broke her heart. Alycia could only guess Kathy and Joey were upstairs together.

"We can still sleep on my bed like old times", Alycia said as a way to cheer him up a little. When they were roomates, they'll usually stay talking all night in her bedroom until they eventually fell asleep. There was nothing weird or awkward about being in the same bed together. They're practically brother and sister at this point.

Alycia had lots of siblings, but always considered Chandler was her favorite brother. Him, on the other hand, believes his relationship with her is what having a little sister actually feels like.

"I'd like that", Chandler confessed in a sad tone.

Alycia guided him to her bedroom, running her hand up and down his back in a comforting manner. He didn't say a word after that, and she choose to do the same, not wanting to add anything else. Chandler just needed to sleep.

He looked so heartbroken that Alycia started hating Kathy even more, even if it isn't the girl's fault.

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