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9; the one where Alycia doesn't know anybody (part 1).

"Guys, guess what?", Rachel asked, rushing inside the Central Perk where all her friends were

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"Guys, guess what?", Rachel asked, rushing inside the Central Perk where all her friends were. "Barry and Mindy are getting a divorce!".

"What is the matter with you?", Joey turned to look at Ross, looking very upset.

"No. Barry and Mindy", Phoebe corrected.

"Sorry. I hear divorce and I inmediately go to Ross", he explained. "Who's Barry and Mindy?".

"Barry is the guy I almost married and Mindy was my best friend".

"The fact you said that so calmly and exprentionless is quite remarkable", Alycia complimented.

"Could you imagine if I actually married him? How different would my life be?".

"I understand. Sometimes I imagine what would've happen if Carol didn't realize she was a lesbian. I would probably still be doing my karatey".

"That's not a word", Alycia replied, earning a look from her friend.

"What if I was still fat?", Monica asked. "You wouldn't be dating me, that's for sure", she chuckled.

"Sure I would!", Chandler replied, but neither of his friends agreed with him, inmediately telling him that's not true.

"Imagine if I never got fired from Days of our Lives", Joey said shortly after.

"I always thought what would've happened if we never really got to be friends in college", Alycia asked, turning to look at Chandler. He was the one who introduced her to Ross and eventually to Monica and Phoebe. Without him, she would've never met them.

"And what if I had the guts to quit my job?", Chandler continued. "I would be writting for The New Yoker, being paid to be funny".

"What if I had take that job at Merrill Lynch?", Phoebe said after him, earning a surprised look from each of her friends. No one knew about that. "A masssge client worked there and said I was good with stocks".

"Hey, do you think if all of those things acutally happened, we would still hang out?", Ross asked.


"Uh...Alycia?", she heard a voice behind her.

She turned around after accepting the coffee the guy was handing her. Alycia met a guy wearing baggy pants, an oversized t-shirt and glasses. She had no idea who this guy was, so she stood there with a confused expretion, trying to figure out who it might be and how he knew her name.

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