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7; the one with the breakup.

"You fought with him again?", Alycia asked in disbelief

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"You fought with him again?", Alycia asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. Al, I don't know what to do!", Rachel sighed in frustration. "I feel like he doesn't trust me anymore".

"He's just afraid of losing you", she tried to make her friend feel better. Alycia is actually the last one to give relationship advice considering she's had about two boyfriends her whole life. "Imagine if he had a sexy paleontology partner down at the museum. All you need to do is talk this through, I'm sure you two will get over it".

"I've told him a million times that I have nothing with that guy at work! He won't listen to me".

"He's Ross, the guy who married a lesbian. He's not the best with relationships or figuring things out", Alycia pointed out. "He'll eventually understand".

"Maybe you're right. Thanks", Rachel smiles at her before entering the apartment and going to her room. Ross' jealousy was really getting out of hand and she's been really bumped down lately.

"Where's everyone?", Alycia asked Monica who was sitting on the couch on her own.

"Ross is with Ben at Carol's, Phoebe is out with a guy that comes from a really weird country and doesn't speak English at all, and Joey and Chandler went to stalk the girl at the copy house".

"I think I've never seen this apartment this empty".

"I know", Monica agreed. "Finally".

"As if you don't like having us around", Alycia gave a smile to her friend who simply smiles back. She loves being the host.

"My boss just called and I have to get to the office", Rachel quickly walked out of her room. "Tell Ross to call me when he gets here, okay?"

"Got it", Monica replied as Rachel is leaving the apartment in a rush.

"I gotta go too, I'm supposed to buy some stuff for my mom because she's comming to visit me next week".

"Your mom and her boyfriend?"

"Luckily, just my mom", Alycia sighed in relief. "See you later, Mon".

"Bye, Al".

Alycia just got back from her shopping when a knock on the door echoed through her living room. When she opened the door, she met Rachel. It was weird she took the time to walk over her apartment, usually she just used the phone because it was easier than walking down the stairs.

"Rach, what happened?", she freaks out after noticing her puffy red eyes.

"I talked to Ross".

"Come on in, tell me everything".

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