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9; the one with the trip without Ross.

"I thought you guys were taking Ross to the game?"

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"I thought you guys were taking Ross to the game?"

"Yeah, we're meeting here".

"But we are meeting Rachel here", Monica insisted.

"C'mon, they can be in the same room", Phoebe said as if it wasn't a big deal.

"You should've been there last night. Ross was hanging over in our place and Rachel comes over to borrow some moisturizer from Chandler–".

"How hard is it to say something?", Chandler cuts Joey off. "Rachel comes over to borrow something".

Alycia chuckles, "It's okay, I already told everyone about your moisturizer".

Chandler opened his eyes wide in surprise. "How–how long...?"

"I think a few weeks after you moved in together", Monica replied.

"A few– a few weeks?!", Chandler snaps in horror, looking at Alycia. "For the record, I just have very dry skin, okay?"

Alycia chuckled but decided not to joke about it any longer.

"Anyway", Joey continued, "they just started yelling at each other".

"Why was he screaming? He's the one who slept with someone else", Phoebe asks.

Alycia rolled her eyes. "Because according to him, they were on a break so she should forgive him".

"He told you that?", Monica asks.

"He got drunk yesterday and called me. He told me that and a bunch of other things none of you would like me to repeat for the sake of your mental health", she explains.

"Right, but you do tell about my moisturizer".

"Get over it dude, it was years ago", Alycia brushed it off.

"Uh...not for me!", Chandler snapped back.

"You know, I had a dream that Ross and Rachel never broke up, and we were all hanging out and everyone was happy", Phoebe confessed sadly.

"Deep down I always knew two of us dating was a bad idea", Alycia admitted. "Let's never do that again, please".

"Maybe it's gonna be okay, it's been a week", Chandler tried to keep the talk optimistic.

"Yeah, it doesn't take me more than a week to get over a relationship", Joey chuckled, trying to act like Alycia's statement didn't affect him at all.

"It's never taken you more than a shower to get over a relationship", Monica points out.

"Rachel's here!", Alycia said happily as the three girls rushed over her. "Let's go!"

"Let me get a cup of coffee first", Rachel smiled.

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