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8; the one where Phoebe finds out

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8; the one where Phoebe finds out.

"Look! Ugly naked guy is putting stuff in boxes", Phoebe says from the window.

"Seems like our naked buddy is moving", Rachel points out when all the friends were looking outside the window.

"Ironically, most of the boxes seems to be labeled: clothes", Ross continued after a few seconds, making the friends chuckle.

"I'm gonna miss that big, old, squishy butt", Rachel added.

"And we're done with the chicken fried rice", Chandler replied from behind her, putting away his food.

"Hey, if he's moving maybe I should try to get his place. It'd would be so cool to live across from you guys!".

"As long as you don't walk around naked, we're happy too", Alycia nodded.

"Oh! We can do that telephone thing where you have a can, and we have a can, and we connect it by a string", Joey suggested.

"Or we can do the actual telephone thing", Chandler said sarcastically.

"Guys, guess what?", Rachel started when she noticed Alycia and Joey walking up to sit next to her and Phoebe at the coffee house. "Phoebe knows about Monica and Chandler".

"Really?", Alycia asked.

"We were at ugly naked guy's apartment and we saw them doing it through the window".

"I think it's great that they're together", Phoebe says with a smile. "I mean for him. Monica could do better".

"You know what? I also think it's kinda great. After Ross and I, we all talked about how reltionships between us could never work out, but with you guys, and now them...turns out it is a possibility", Rachel added.

"Yeah, I'm happy for them", Phoebe nodded.

"I think they look cute together", Alycia agreed with her friends.

"So, they know you and Joey know, but not that Rachel knows?", Phoebe asked.

"Pretty much", Joey replied. "But now enough of us know, so we can just tell them we know", Joey points out.

"Or we could not tell them we know and have a little fun of our own", Phoebe smirked.

"What do you mean?", Rachel seems curious and excited about Phoebe's idea.

"Well, every time they say they're doing laundry we'll just give them a bunch of laundry to do".

"Oh, I would enjoy that!", Rachel agreed.

"I kinda agree with Joey here", Alycia argued. "We should just tell them you guys know".

"But I wanna do Phoebe's idea", Rachel pouted.

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