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7; the one where Rachel and Ross are back together.

7; the one where Rachel and Ross are back together

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"Relax. It's gonna happen", Phoebe said to Ross after he started yet again rambling about him and Rachel.

"How do you know that?", Ross asked, hopeless.

"Because she's your lobster!"

"Oh, she's going somewhere", Chandler teased when no one said a thing after Phoebe's comment.

"It's a known fact that lobsters fall in love and make for life. You can actually see old lobster couples walking around their tank, you know, holding claws".

Monica walked out of the bathroom, making Chandler stand up and walk near her, "Hey, are you feeling better now?"

"Yeah, I think that fifth shower actually got the interview off of me", Monica replied. Everyone quickly remembered her job interview with some random and horny creep.

"You have any other posibilities?"

"Not paying rent", she suggested.

"I can lend you some money", Ross offered.

"No, because I couldn't pay you right away and I'll be feeling guilty and tense everytime I saw you".

"Oh, okay. Why don't you borrow from mom and dad then? You feel guilty and tense around them already, might as well make some money out of them", he joked.

"Man's got a point", Chandler agreed.

All the friends turn to look at him as something felt out of his arm, kind of like a bracelet of some kind. Ross bent down to grab it as Chandler was visibly freaking out.

"That uh...well, that's a little flashy", he said embarassed as his four friends laughed at him.


"Aw, you're bracelet buddies now!", Alycia joked as she looks at Chandler that was in the kitchen with Phoebe, Monica and Ross while her and Joey were sitting on the couch.

Chandler turns to look at them as Joey was still showing off his new bracelet to her. He was barely able to fake a smile. "I knew that's how people would call us", he mutters while cringing.

Him and Phoebe joined Alycia and Joey in the living room as they all started looking around Monica's old stuff that her parents brought earlier that day since they're turning her old bedroom into a gym.

"Hey, Mon, what's this?", Phoebe asked after pulling a big piece of clothing out of one of the boxes.

"That was my bathing suit from high school. I was a little bigger then", she explained.

"Oh, I thought that's what they used to cover Connecticut when it rains", Chandler jokes.

"Rude", Alycia smiles at him while putting away a box with old yearbooks. 

"Hey, what's on this videotape?"

Monica took it out of Joey's hand. "You got me. I'm gonna put it in".

The video started, showing Monica's mom talking to the camera. A few seconds later, Rachel entered through the front door, looking a little younger and with a bigger nose.

"Oh my God", Rachel mutters at the scene.

"What's with your nose?"

"They had to reduce it because of my deviated septum".

"Okay, I was wrong. That's what they use to cover Connecticut".

"This is us getting ready for the prom!", Monica exclaimed as Rachel walked up to her to sit down and watch the video too.

"Guys, we don't have to watch this", Ross walked over the living room too.

"Shush, I wanna see this", Alycia leaned foward on the couch.

The shot later turns to Monica as she was standing outside the kitchen with a big sandwich on her hand.

"That girl ate Monica!", Joey points at the TV.

"Shut up, the camera adds ten punds!"

"Oh, so how many cameras are actually on you?", Chandler says this time.

The video went on as the camera turns to record the two girls together, shortly turning again to show younger Ross. The whole group laughed at him as he rolled his eyes, turning around from the TV to avoid the embarassment.

"Work on your music?", Chandler turns to look at Ross after a few minutes of the video passed by. He simply shrugged at his question.

In the video, Rachel appears crying because her date never showed up. Also, the camera showed Ross' parents convincing him to go with Rachel to the prom since she has no one else to go with.

"I think we saw enough, we better turn it off", Ross suggested as everyone quickly shouted for him not to turn the TV off. "Fine, but I'm not gonna watch this".

Ross stood by the front door as the group finished watching the video. In it, Ross walks out of his room with his tux on, taking the flowers out of the vessel in the hallway near the stairs, ready to ask Rachel to go with him to the prom. Instead of this happening, the camera recorded Monica and Rachel leaving the house with their dates as Ross stood in the stairs with a very sad look on his face.

"I can't believe you did that", Monica turns to look at him after the video was over.

Ross looks down at the floor in embarassment as everyone was looking at him. "Yeah, well..."

The room was quiet as Rachel walked closer to Ross. All the friends watched as she took his face with her hands, kissing him shortly after.

Alycia smiled widly at the sight of her two friends finally together, just how it has to be. And all because of this old and embarrasing prom video.

"See? He's her lobster", Phoebe cheered.

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