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7; the one with the twin.

7; the one with the twin

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"Hey, Pheebs. Guess who we saw today?" Joey walks up to sit with his friends with Chandler following after him.

"Oh, oh, fun! Okay", she turns around with excitment. "Liam Neson!"


"Morley Safer!"


"The woman who cuts my hair!"

"This could be a really long game", Monica cuts them off.

"Your sister Ursula", Chandler finally revealed.

"Oh, really?" Phoebe sits back down, clearly not interested in the conversation anymore.

"Yeah, she works at this–"

"Riff's. Yeah, I know".

"Oh, you do? Because she said you guys haven't talked in years", Chandler added.

"Yeah. So, is she fat?"

"Not from where I was standing", Joey smirked.

"Where were you standing?" she asks now to Chandler.

"Pheebs, so you two don't get along?" Rachel decided to change the subject.

"It's mostly just because of dumb sister stuff. You know, like everyone thought of her as the pretty one and...oh, she was the first one to start walking, even tho I did it later that same day. But by then for my parents was like: oh well, what else is new?"

"Oh, Phoebe, I gotta go. I have Lamaze class", Ross stood up, an apologetic expression on his face.

"Good luck!" Alycia smiles up at him. "Is just gonna be you and Carol?"

"No, Susan's gonna be there too. We've got dads, we've got lesbians; the whole parenting team".

"Isn't that gonna be weird?" Rachel asks this time.

"It might've been at first but by now I think I'm pretty comfortable with the whole situation", he replied.

"Ross, that's my jacket", Monica pointed at him after he was done putting it on.

"I know, I know", he mumbles a bit ashamed.


"Why is the TV in Spanish?" Alycia chuckles as she enters the apartment.

"The monkey", Monica replied with obvious anger in her tone.

"He's having a rough week, okay?" Ross tried to defend him.

"Poor, Marcel", Alycia walks up to him. "Are you having a bad week?"

The monkey jumped in her shoulder as she sat down, staying there with her without making any more trouble. Ross looks at her and Marcel in disbelief.

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