I. The beginning

Beginne am Anfang

     "Go, we'll be fine." I smile. She looks over to me and sighs. 

     "Okay, be good as school guys, Alina, no back talking and go to class." She tells me. I give her a mock salute and Jenna gave me a pointed look. "All of your classes."

   I put my hand over my heart in false hurt. "I am a good child," I say with a smirk. Jenna rolls her eyes as she walks out of the kitchen and Elena looks to me. 

    "Yeah... okay." Elena laughs, Jeremy, laughing along with her. A car honks outside and Elena and I grab our bags. I turn to Jeremy with a smirk. 

    "I want to see you at school," I tell him. He raises his hand in surrender and then winks. "Idiot." I laugh. I walk out the door and towards Bonnie's car, Elena already in the front seat. 

    "Hello there." I smile, sliding into the backseat. Bonnie gives me a grin on the rear-view mirror. 

    "Hello to you too." She laughs, "You're in a good mood." I shrug and she smiles, shaking her head. 
    We talked about random things for a while until Bonnie announced she had to tell us something her Grams had told her. 

     "So Grams is telling me I'm psychic." She laughs. I give her an odd look and she laughs and nods. "Our ancestors were from Salem, which isn't all that, I know, crazy, but she kept going on and on about it and I'm like, put this woman in a home already!" She laughs. 

   "But then I started thinking, I predicted Obama and I predicted Heath Ledger, and I still-" 

    "Think Florida will break off and turn into resort islands." I finish for her. She gives me a look in the mirror and I laugh. I look over to Elena who is looking out the window at the cemetery. 

    "Elena!" Bonnie calls out, giving a small laugh.  

    Elena looked over with a sigh. "I'm sorry, Bonnie. You were telling me that..."

    "That she is now Bonnie the teenage witch." I laughed, peaking my head through the space between the seats. 

   "That I'm psychic now." Bonnie corrected with a smile. Elena laughed, shaking her head. 

    "Right, okay. Then predict something. About me, about us." Elena said looking to me. Bonnie hummed, looking forward. 

   "I see..." Something hit the windshield, causing us all to gasp and Bonnie to swerve to the side of the street. I flew back into the seat, landing on my side and covering my head.  Finally, the car stopped and I sat up slowly. 

    "What was that!? Oh, my god!" Bonnie gasped, looking between us. "Guys, are you okay?" 

   "It's okay, I'm fine," Elena says leaning back into her seat. She turns over, looking to me and I nod. "We're fine."

  "Guys I swear, it was like a bird or something. It came out of nowhere." She said in a rushed tone. 

   "We can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of our lives." Elena sighs. 

   "We're fine," I say with a nod. Bonnie exhales, nodding and then looking between us again. 

   "I predict this year is going to be kick-ass. And I predict all the sad and dark times are over and you both are going to be beyond happy." She smiles. A small smile fell on Elena's lips, a smile gracing mine as well. 

    Bonnie pulls off onto the road and I sigh, sitting back and looking out the window. 


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