XVII. It'll be alright

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     I was now spending as much time with Damon as much as Elena spent with Stefan, and to their dismay, i enjoyed it. I didn't feel so alone. 
    Damon and i were in my room, i was laying in my bed, Damon by my side. "Anything on who that guy in the road was?" I ask. 

     "No, do you remember anything else about him?" Damon asks, looking towards me. 

    "I wish. I never really saw his face." I frown. "He was wearing a hoodie. All i really remember was the shoes." 

    "What shoes?" 

"His shoes, black boots." I sigh, "Stefan brought Elena and I some vervain for everyone, some extra for friends." I shrug. 

     "How nice of my little brother," Damon says sarcastically. "I don't like that there's another vampire in town." He frowns. "So until i find out who it is and what he wants, you keep this on, okay?" He says, lightly pulling on my necklace. 

     "I already promised Damon." I laugh, rolling my eyes. The doorbell rang and i sighed. 

    "Alina, i need the money!" Jeremy calls out. I sigh, getting up and grabbing my wallet. 

    "I'll be right back." I open my door and walk out, Elena opened her's her gaze meeting mine.

    "Is he still here?" She asks, referring to Damon.

"Yes, he is. Is Stefan still here?" I ask. Elena gives me a knowing look and i shrug. "Fair is fair." I jog down that stairs. I see a guy in all black and i furrow my brows. "Hi." I smile, giving him twenty-five. "Keep the change." He gives me a creepy smile before slowly backing out. 

    "Thanks. And you have yourself a good night." I nod and close the door with a frown. That was weird.


   ----3rd persons POV----

     Damon Salvatore was looking through the many bookshelves in the Salvatore Boarding house for Emily Bennett's Grimoire. The sound of books falling captured Stefan Salvatore's attention as he walked towards the sound, seeing Damon. "What are you looking for, Damon?" Stefan asked. 

    "None of your concern." 

"No, but putting Elena in harm's way, that is my concern." 

       "Well last time i checked, I'm not involved with anything Elena, you are." 

     "You're involved with Alina, Elena's sister." Stefan deadpanned. Damon gave off a little chuckle, still looking through books. 

    "What are you talking about?" Damon asked distracted, wanting the conversation to end. 

    "I'm talking about Atlanta." 

"Oh! Yeah, Alina and i had a blast." 

     "I get it, Damon. You're just bitter because one of us gets to be with the person that we love, and you're mad because Alina would never be with you if it made Elena unhappy. And poor Katherine is just out of reach unless there's another way for you to get into that tomb. Is that what Bree said?" 

    "You're pathetic when you're fishing," Damon grumbled, but it really did bother him with what Stefan said about Alina. "And i wouldn't be too sure about Alina, she's a big girl Stefan. She makes her own decisions."

    "And you're transparent when you're deflecting. And i am sure, Elena is one of the only people Alina has left." Damon rolled his eyes, turning to look at Stefan. 

     "Don't you have school?" 

 "I do. But i don't like how much time you've been spending around Alina." 

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