XXXV. A flower

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          "You touch me one more time, and i swear to God i will find a way to kill you." I glare as he shoves me forward once again. I frown at Elena who's still unconscious slumped over the guy's shoulder. He goes to touch me again and i glare at him, slowly putting his hand back to his side. 
    I have no clue who this guy is, or why we're here. But i do know he's a vampire. He gestures to the couch and i move and sit on one side of them, Elena on the other couch. 

    "Why are we here?" I sigh. He just looks at me, rolling his eyes before. Suddenly Elena starts to stir as he starts to untie her. 

    "Please..." She whispers, "What do you want?" He shushes her, continuing to untie her. She looks over to me and i just shrug, "Please, I'm hurt." 

    "I know." He smirks. Elena tries to shove him away, "Just a taste." he smirks, the veins under his eyes bubbling and his fangs out. Elena screams out and i get up pushing him away from her. 

    "Don't touch her!" He slams me up against the wall, growling in my face. 

     "Trevor!" Some woman shouts, glaring at him. "Let her go, and control yourself." He moves away from me, pushing me back towards the couch. 

    "Buzzkill." He mutters, walking past her. 

  "What do you want with us?" I ask, looking over to Elena who's clutching onto the couch. 

     "My God, you two look just like her." She gasps, looking between us. 

    "But we're not." Elena says, shaking her head. "Please, whatever you want-" 

    "Be quiet." She groans. 

"We're not Katherine," I tell her, looking up at her. "My name's Alina Gilbert, and that's my twin sister Elena. You don't have to do this." I try to reason. 

    "I know who you two are." She snaps, "I said be quiet." 

"What do you want?" Elena questions, not getting the hint. The girl rushes towards Elena, growing at her, making Elena fall back into the couch. 

    "I want you to be quiet." She growls, walking away. 

"That wasn't necessary." I glare. She looks to me, a smirk on her face. 

    "Something tells me you'll be a lot more useful than your sister." She says before leaving down a hall. I watch her walk away and sigh, looking over to Elena, this is going to be a long day. 


     I listen in on the girl and Trevor arguing and make eye contact with Elena, "Did you or did you not get the message to Elijah?" I hear Trevor ask, who's Elijah? I motion for Elena to follow me, we look down the light-up hall and see one of them move passed the door. 

    "They say he got it." She confirms.

"Wonderful. And what?" He shoots back. Elena moves around me, moving slowly down the hall. 

    "So, that's it, Trevor." I look at her shaking my head and she motions for me to follow as she slowly moves down the hall. "We wait." 

     "It's not too late, we don't have to g through with this. We can leave them here and go." 

     "I'm sick of running." She sighs. 

"Yeah? Well, running keeps us from dying." I see them clearly and i know for a fact that this isn't going to work, they're vampires and we're in an old house. 

     "Elijah is old school. If he accepts our deal, we're free." Elena steps, the floorboard creaking, i close my eyes and sigh. 

    "You two!" She calls out, stopping us. She walks up to us, Trevor disappearing again. "There's nothing around here for miles. So if you think you're getting out of this house, you're tragically wrong. Understand?" 

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