LV. And the truth comes out

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  I wince as Klaus snaps Stefan's neck for what seems like the millionth time

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I wince as Klaus snaps Stefan's neck for what seems like the millionth time. He turns back to me and i push myself even farther into the wall. "Darling, i need you to be honest with me." He says lowly, "Tell me what you're hiding." I stay silent, Klaus rushing over to me, wrapping his hand around my throat. I claw at his hand, trying to get him away from me. "You're strong, but not that strong."
He pulls me away from the wall before slamming me into it again. "Tell me!"

"Klaus, leave her!" Rebekah glares, trying to pull him off of me. "Klaus!" He gives her a glare, making her step back.

"Tell me what you're hiding." He compels. I let out a shaky breath.

"You didn't kill the doppelganger, Elena's alive but she's the shadow-self, I'm the doppelganger." I admit, "Bonnie did a spell to save her and i was willing to die, but you turned me. Elena's still human."

"You deceived me..." He whispers. Klaus is gone and i fall to the floor, gasping for air.

"I had to help her, she's the only family my brother and i have left," I say shakily. Rebekah leans down, helping me up.

"It's all right, i don't think Klaus could kill you if he wanted." Rebekah sighs, she looks over to Stefan with a frown.

"Don't hate him, Klaus took away his memories of you."

"I know..." She whispers sadly.

"You know i have to try and stop him right?" I frown. She nods, taking my hands and making me look at her.

"Alina, you might be strong but Klaus will hurt you. He might not kill you, but he'll hurt you." I nod slowly, "I'd wish you luck, but she stole Stefan's heart from me." I nod slowly. I get up, speeding into the school. I stand in the main hallway, listening in for Klaus or Elena.
I catch their voices in the gym and i speed over.

'You two, i remember you.'

'I'm sorry. Who are you?' Dana asks. I frown, running down the halls at a normal human pace, Klaus can't know I'm in here.

'Oh, don't worry, i wasn't in my right head last time we met. Lift your foot up, please, Dana. If she drops her foot Chad, i want you to beat her to death.' i gasp, running faster.

'Don't Klaus. you don't have to hurt anybody.' Elena, he already found her...

'Oh, come on, Loce. Of course, i do.' I push the doors open, Klaus turning to me, "Ah, there you are, i was wondering when you'd join the party."

"Let them go," I order.

Klaus laughs speeding over to me, "Go ahead and take a seat on the bleachers, Darling." I glare at him unwillingly moving the bleachers.

"I hate you." I grit out. His face falls but he quickly changes his expression, looking unbothered and turning back to Elena.

"Where's Stefan?" Elena demands.

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