Chapter Eight : New Year's

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Chapter Eight : New Year's

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troyajemian Merry Christmas from my family @gayaneajemian to yours. 📸: @thyraa

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thyraa Ajemian heirs ❤️ @troyajemian @gayaneajemian

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thyraa Happy New Year's 🥳

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thyraa Happy 10th wedding anniversary, you old lovebirds! @troyajemian @gayaneajemian Here's to many more!

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"Well lookie here, Sofia, our heiress has arrived." Carl Philip, Prince of Sweden joked.

"Thyra!" Sofia exclaimed.

"Happy New Year!" I exclaimed as I took off my sunglasses.

"You're the last one to arrive, Thyra." Victoria said as she pulled me into a hug.

"Oh sorry, I flew in from California." I said.

"That explains the bags under your eyes." Meghan said.

"Shut up, Megs." I said before going forwards and hugging her.

"I missed you." Meghan said.

"Megs, we're FaceTimed each other two days ago but I missed you too." I said.

While I went around the room catching up with my friends, Johann walked in with a girl.

"Hey, everyone." Johann said.

"Johann, why don't you introduce Stephanie to Thyra?" Victoria asked as I smiled and walked up to them.

"Right, Thyra this is Stephanie. Stephanie this is Thyra." Johann answered as I held out a hand for Stephanie to shake.

"I know who is she. I absolutely love your family." Stephanie said as she shook my hand. "You were definitely the best Miss America ever." Stephanie added.

"Awe, thank you, that's so nice of you to say." I said.

"This is more awkward than I thought." William said to Catherine.

"Let's head to dinner." Eugenie said, looking at her watch.

"Thyra, did you come with my present?" Meghan asked as Catherine giggled.

"Yeah, where is mine?" Catherine asked.

"Oh wow, you two are something else. I have them in one of my suitcases but I might just go out and buy some coal to give you both." I answered.

Meghan gasped.

"You wouldn't?" Catherine asked.

"Ask Harry what I got him for Christmas in 2015?" I replied.

Harry stopped laughing and glared at me.

"What did she get you, Harry?" Sofia asked.

"Toilet paper that she got out of my bathroom." Harry answered as I stuck my tongue out at him.

"It was a very thoughtful gift." I said.


"I'm sorry, we did not know he was bringing anyone." Gayane said, later that night in my room as Catherine, Meghan and the rest of the ladies joined her in my room except for Stephanie.

"It's okay." I said.

"No, it's not, Thyra, you don't have to put on a front for us. That was very insensitive of him to bring her here." Sofia said.

"Honestly, he can do whatever he wants. I ended things with him. He should be happy and I hope that Stephanie makes him happy." I said.

"Then why do you look like you're about to cry?" Meghan asked.

I can't fight back the tears when talking to the girls.

"Because it hurts seeing him with someone else and how quickly he can just bring her around

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"Because it hurts seeing him with someone else and how quickly he can just bring her around." I answered.

"You know you're in love with someone when the idea of them being in love with someone else doesn't just wreck you, it invades every part of your being." Victoria said.

"Thyra, you should talk to him." Catherine said.

"How are they going to talk if Stephanie is around?" Eugenie asked.

"We'll find a way because this talk needs to happen." Meghan answered.

"There you girls are. You guys I found them! Come on and let's have a little fun." Stephanie said as she opened the door to my room and holds up a bottle.

"Is she serious?" Meghan asked.

"I think she's drunk." Catherine answered.

"I think we're going to call it a night." Victoria said.

"Yes, I should be asleep by now especially in my condition." Catherine said as she quickly got up and followed Victoria out of the room.

"Thyra." Sofia said.

"I am all for having a good time, but I am not in the headspace to get shitfaced with this girl." I said.

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