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*Kylie's POV*
I glance down at my phone for the millionth time, checking my messages. I sigh as I see no new messages and then I look back up at Dustin, who's performing for the Newark, New Jersey show. I admire him as he sings "Cowboys and Angels".
"There's a want and there's a need
There's a history between
Girls like her and guys like me
Cowboys and angels
I've got boots and she's got wings
I'm hell on wheels and she's heavenly
I'd die for her and she lives for me
Cowboys and angels
We ride side by side
A cloud of dust, a ray of light
My touch is her temptation
Her kiss is my salvation
She's sweet, I'm wild, we're dangerous
Cowboys and angels
I'm not sure why her path crossed mine
Accident or grand design
Maybe God just kinda likes
Cowboys and angels
We ride side by side
A cloud of dust, a ray of light
My touch is her temptation
Her kiss is my salvation
She's sweet, I'm wild, we're dangerous
Cowboys and angels
There's a want and there's a need
There's a history between
Girls like you and guys like me
Cowboys and angels" Dustin sings, glancing at me as he does, smiling that panty-dropping smile. I blush and look down at my fingers as I bite my lip softly. When I look back up at him he winks at me then starts to sing 'seein' red'.
*after the concert*
I place a small hand on my belly and look up at Dustin as he walks backstage, being careful while I get up, I walk over to him.
He kisses me softly and holds my hips gently.
"You're sweaty" I laugh softly and back away a little, staring up into his eyes.
He winks at me. "Only when I'm with you" he grins.
I shake my head and giggle a little, biting my lip softly. "I still haven't heard from Khloé" I say softly and look back up at him after a few seconds.
"I'm sorry baby. She's just hurting. She will come around" he says softly and kisses my forehead, placing a hand on my bump.
"Sometimes I wish we had a normal life. That I didn't grow up with cameras shoved in my face and you weren't always gone on tour" I say softly, not meaning it but not being able to stop myself.
Dustin pulls away with a scowl. "What do you mean?" He asks, crossing his arms a little.
I sigh softly and rub my face. "I didn't mean to say it like that but-" Dustin cuts me off.
"No. It's fine, Kylie. Don't try to explain and make it worse than it already is" he snaps at me. I bite my lip and nod as I look down, following Luke and Scotty out to the tour bus.
Dustin quietly brushes past me and goes to the bunk that we sleep in. I watch him as he walks and sigh softly to myself. I get my things for a shower and go to the bathroom, taking a quick shower and washing my face then getting dressed in Dustin's T-shirt and some spandex.
When I walk out of the bathroom I go back to the living area and sit on the couch quietly, checking my phone once again. Nothing. Not a single text. Another sigh escapes my lips as I plug up my phone then I walk to where the bunks are and quietly pull the curtain and crawl in then close it, deciding to not touch Dustin at the moment since he's angry. I turn my back to him and stare at the curtain.
"Goodnight. I love you" I say softly and wrap my arms around my bump as I try to keep my emotions at bay.
"You too" he says quietly. I feel a pang in my chest and I bury my face into the pillow deeper, tears falling down my cheeks. I silently cry, cuddling the pillow, not able to sleep.
*the next morning; 6 am*
I get up when I hear Luke's boisterous laugh. I rub my sleep from my eyes as a yawn escapes my lips, looking over to Dustin's side of the bed. Hating that it's empty, I get up and grab a tank top and some sweatpants. After throwing my hair in a messy bun I go to the bathroom and change then go through the living room area to the kitchen area. I pour myself some orange juice then grab a granola bar.
I sit at the table, silently starting to eat my granola bar. When I hear someone walking towards me I look up hopefully, but look back down when I see it's Luke.
I throw away my trash and wash my cup, glancing to where Dustin is.
He looks up at me and his eyes soften slightly. He gets up and walks over to me, gently grabbing my hips.
"I'm sorry love. I shouldn't have gone to bed mad. I know you hate that" he says softly.
"It's okay. I deserved it. I guess I deserve a lot of the shit that's happening to me lately"
"Don't say that, darling. You're the most amazing woman I know. You can't beat yourself up over your sister not talking to you because of something your ex friend did"
"But that's the thing. She won't talk to me at all. And it's not like it's my fault. If I would've known Jordyn slept with Tristan I would've whooped her ass then whopped his ass too"
"I know babe. Khloé just needs room to breathe for a little bit. We have a break from tour next week so you can talk to her then, love. It's okay" he says as he gently pushes the loose hair out of my face. He frowns as he sees the bags under my eyes.
"You didn't sleep" he says and frowns at me.
"I wanted to. I just couldn't. Thinking about Khloé being pissed at me and you too just had my mind racing all night. I didn't mean what I said. I support you fully. Always. I will never stop supporting you" I say softly and stand on my tiptoes, kissing his chin.
"I know baby. I love you so much" Dustin says and leans down, connecting our lips. I kiss back softly.
"I love you so much too" I smile, squealing as he picks me up.
"Now. Your sexy ass is about to take a good nap" Dustin says as he carries me to our bunk, laying down with me. I slowly fall asleep as I listen to his steady heartbeat in his arms, knowing that's where I belong.

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