Chapter 55

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      Clara put her phone back in her pocket. Shane was crazy to try and talk to Jocelyn. That girl was completely out of it. She made sure her hood was up and started walking. Suddenly, she felt like she was being watched. She wasn't in a busy part of Paris, in fact, she was practically alone. Her hand slowly went to her dagger and next thing she knew, she was surrounded by her father's guards. She gave a curse in french. "Language Clara," she heard her father say. He was on Snowball. The guards let him in the circle that surrounded her. Clara's grip on her dagger tightened. "Right, because me cussing is what makes you upset," she said rolling her eyes. Claude put his hand up and Clara bit her lip taking a half step back. "You freed the prisoners," he said, angry but calmly. "I did, what are you going to do about it? Yell at me? Slap me? Abuse me? I dare you to try. I am not going back!" "Quiet Clara! Don't get yourself in more trouble," Claude says, "Take her to the car." He signaled for the guards to grab her. When one tried, she attacked with her dagger. Others went to grab her, which she easily fought off her. "Don't even think about it!" she growled at the others. They backed up a few steps. Frollo stayed ontop of Snowball. "Don't make this more difficult Clara." "Oh give me a break. I am perfectly happy here away from you! Let me go now or I will force my way out!" "I was hoping it wouldn't come down to this," he sighed. Before Clara could react, she felt something sharp go into her neck. She let out a small cry and she fell backwards and a guard caught her. Her vision started to blur when she realized she had been drugged. She tried to move but she couldn't. Her dagger fell to the ground. Claude unmounted Snowball and walked up to her. He grabbed her dagger from the ground and put it in a bag connected to Snowball's saddle. Grabbing her chin roughly, he forced her to look up at him. "It doesn't take sinning magic to knock you out or weaken you," he said before letting her go. She was started to have trouble keeping her eyes open. "Take her to the car," Frollo ordered the guard holding her. Clara tried to fight but she still couldn't move. As she was being dragged to the car, her eyes closed and everything went black. 

(Flashback End)

   Clara woke up to her head screaming in pain. She let out a curse in french and sat up. Once her eyes adjusted to the light she realized she was in her old room in the mansion. She let out another curse this time louder. Her balcony door was locked and had a chain so she couldn't just lockpick it. Her windows had the same type of thing. She opened the drawer to her nightstand and gave another curse. "Well, my dagger is gone and my stash of pain killers are gone. Great..." she flopped back down on her bed, "This is worse than my hangovers... ow..." An ominous shadow looms over Clara. Clara sat up and cursed falling back. "Please have pain killers whoever is here..." she said putting a hand to her forehead. The shadow shifts slowly over to her. It slowly rises from the ground, becoming a shadowy figure with a skull mask. Clara sat up slowly. "Creepy much?" The figure removes its mask, revealing itself to be Shane. "What good is having shadow powers if I can't be creepy?" he asks. "Please tell me you have a way of summoning some type of pain killer...." Clara said flopping back down on her bed. "I might," says Shane.  "Then give me. My body isn't used to drugs. I'm a drinker and the worst headaches I get are hangovers and this is worse," Clara groaned.  Shane summons a bottle of painkillers and gives it to Clara. "Thank you." She got up and grabbed a bottle of water from under her bed. She downed a few pain killers and sat back down on her bed. "So, what have I missed?" "Not much," says Shane. "Aside from the obvious, of course. Everyone is worried about you and wondering where you are." "That's not surprising. Can we leave now? I don't think I can face my father right now," Clara sighed.  "Sure," says Shane. "On one condition." Clara glared. "What now? I just want to get out of this mansion and back to where I have beers." Shane gets in Clara's face. "You're gonna have to kill Frollo," he says. Clara pushed him back. "You're insane, completely insane, and I know Jocelyn."  "So what if I'm insane. You can't deny that killing Frollo is your best option," says Shane. "I give very little care to that. I can take this. I am not killing him," Clara said crossing her arms.  Shane shrugs. "Oh, well," he says. He begins prancing around the room. "I guess you'll just continue to suffer. There's only so many painkillers in that bottle, y'know." "And there are more pain killers at stores," Clara said, "Can you just take me home Shane?"  Shane shushes Clara. "Only, and I mean, only if you kill Frollo," he says. He starts to swing his cane around, nearly knocking things over in the process. "I will break that if you break anything in here," Clara said snatching his cane out of his hand and tossing it onto the bed. "And I am not killing my father. You may be able to kill yours but I am not able to kill mine." Shane sighs. "In that case, I should go." He grabs his cane from the bed. "Hey! I know what you're doing with that one, not going to work. Because if you do leave we have a bigger problem then me being stuck here. Claytin will do something stupid, he'll get caught and I'll be stuck in a corner so I win this one," Clara says getting in front of Shane. Shane chuckles mischievously. "Claytin? Do you seriously think he'll come to save you? After the many, many, many times you've gotten yourself into these kinds of situations? Don't be ridiculous," he says. "There's only so many times he'll tolerate your foolishness before he decides that he wants nothing to do with you anymore." He continues to "talk like a villain". Clara punches him in the jaw. "And I'll do that again." Shane simply shakes it off. "Anyway, just think about how incredible it will be to finally, finally get back at Frollo for the years of hell he's put you through. Only difference is that you'll give him no chance to suffer. You'll end him in..." Shane makes a whooshing sound with his mouth while lightly dragging his thumb across his neck. " simple strike," he says. Clara went and sat on her bed. "Even if I agreed to this, which I don't, my father has my dagger." Shane summons Clara's sword. "Well, there's always this," he says. Clara took it and placed it next to her, "Last I pointed a sword at him, I hesitated. Shane, I can't kill him. He raised me!" Shane continues prancing, saying, "That may be true, but that doesn't take away from the fact that he's done horrible things to you." He gets in Clara's face again. "Doesn't sound very fatherly to me," he says in a taunting sing-song voice. Clara spit in his face. "Get in my face again and I'll show you how it felt!" She pushed past him and looked out the window. "I grew up believing it was fatherly so don't go throwing that in my face."  Shane cackles loudly. "Oh, you are a riot! How could you ever believe that so many years of abuse is fatherly? And you continuously go back to him as if he's done nothing wrong to you!" He falls onto the floor, still laughing. "I knew you were stubborn, but I didn't think you were so bone dead stupid," he says.  "Right, I'm the stupid one. Get up," Clara said rolling her eyes. "But fine. I'll try. But if I am doing this, I am doing it with my dagger. If you can get it for me, I'll kill him." "Do you know where your dagger is?" Shane asks. "I've been out for who knows how long. it would be somewhere in the mansion. Probably somewhere in my father's room or study, somewhere I'm not allowed." Shane gets up off of the floor. "Guess that means it's time for me to be a creep again," he says. "Hurry up, once father figures out I'm up, we will have limited time," Clara said. Shane puts on his mask. "Which room is closer?" "Bedroom, his study is downstairs," Clara says sitting back down on her bed. "Got it." Shane phases into the shadows and makes his way into Frollo's bedroom.

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