Chapter 54

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   Shane sits on the floor, surrounded by Adrianna, Gabriel, Floria, and the souls of Gabriel and Floria's parents. "Alright, I've been doing a lot of studying on faster revivals, so I'm gonna try out this new method," he says. "I need you both to hover over your bodies, then I'll do the rest." Gabriel's parents did as told. Floria still didn't know what was going on as Gabriel was still keeping it from her that their parents had been dead. She kept asking what was happening in french but Gabriel kept saying the same thing in french which Adrianna explained meant, "Nothing." "Okay, now I'm not gonna lie, this next part might hurt," says Shane. He uses two shadow ropes to slam the souls into their bodies, then immediately heals them with a snap. "Just give it a minute," he says. After a minute, they sat up. Gabriel and Floria's mom said something to Floria in french and Floria immediately went over and hugged her. Gabriel went to his dad. The four of them started talking and Adrianna went over and hugged Shane. "The things we do for family..." she said. Shane thinks back to Jocelyn. "Yeah. The things we do for family," he says. Claytin came over after a while. "Hey Adrianna, has your mama contacted you? She should be back by now." Adrianna checked her phone. "Nope, but she is probably at the stables losing track of time, have you tried calling?" "Mulitple times. I'll give it another half an hour before I go looking for her," he sighed. Shane takes out his magic mirror. "Not that I don't trust her, but better safe than sorry," he says. "Let's see what Clara's up to." Before he could check, his coin from the HVK came up. An address and an order from Emily. "Come now! When the guards ask tell them you are here to see me!" "Ah. Looks like something's up. I'll keep you posted on Clara," says Shane.  Claytin nodded, "Adrianna, let's help these guys and then get you something to eat." Adrianna nodded. "Bye Shane!" 

   Shane puts on his mask, then teleports to the address that Emily sent him. It was a huge castle. A few guards stood at the entrance. "Who are you? And what is your purpose for being here?" one of them asked with a thick German accent. "Shane Facilier. Member of the HVKs. I'm here for Emily," says Shane. The guards looked at each other and nodded. "Follow me," the male guard said opening the door. Shane follows the guard. He took him to a throne room. Jamie was waiting next to the door. "Told ya she'd murder us..." he muttered. Emily sat on a throne, a queen's crown resting on her head. She was speaking to what seemed to be like her advisor in german. When she noticed Shane was there she held up her hand and the advisor silences. She gave a wave of her hand and everyone else left the room. She signaled for Jamie and Shane to come forward.  Shane walks forward. "So what's this about?" Emily sighed before slightly turning to Jamie. "I don't know how to be any clear with you, Jamie. Genie Master or not, it is not safe to be near your sister. How many times do I have to tell you not to see her!" "I was only trying to help as usual Emily," Jamie said. "Then help with other things! Not going around your sister who wants to kill you! Jesus, your just as bad as Delia!" "He only showed up because I called him, Emily. Jocelyn was trying to trade me for the corpses of two people that I was trying to revive," says Shane. "Did Clara not tell you she was crazy? That girl is insane and powerful. She would have happily killed you! Why do a lot of villain kids have to be so stupid!" Emily exclaimed, "Jamie you can go, I need to talk to Shane alone." Jamie nodded and used his coin to leave back to wherever he lived. Emily sighed. "Clara told me you did a lot of stupid things but did you even think when it came to bringing Jafar's soul back? Are you mad?!" "Well, I made a promise to a couple of kids that I'd bring their parents back. And I don't break promises," says Shane.  "Then find another way to find the bodies! Magic mirrors are very useful if you haven't noticed! Don't bring back a villain!" Emily exclaimed. "Then find another way to find the bodies! Magic mirrors are very useful if you haven't noticed! Don't bring back a villain!" Emily exclaimed.  "Well, that's the thing with my magic mirror. I need a name and a face. If I don't have them, then it's pretty much useless," says Shane. "And it's not like Jafsr's been revived. All I did was bring him out of the Soul Realm." "You are almost just as stubborn as Clara, you know that?" Emily growled. Her phone dinged from a text. She looked at it and sighed. "Come with me," she said standing and taking her crowns off, placing it on a table next to her throne. Shane groans and follows Emily.

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