Chapter 2

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Everyone knows the name of Dr. Facilier. A long time ago, in New Orleans, he turned a young prince into a frog using his voodoo and the help of his Friends on the Other Side. The event led to a young woman to turn into a frog, as well. But everyone knows how that turned out. Facilier's talisman was destroyed by the young frog woman, and Facilier was sent to his grave with the help of his former Friends on the Other Side. Little did Facilier know that miles away, in Los Angeles, he had a son named Shane. He was only five years old when his father died. He stayed behind while his mother flew out to New Orleans to visit his grave. When she returned, she broke the news to poor little Shane. "Shane," she said, trying to find the words to say, "I know you're very young, and you've barely known him, but your father, the Shadow Man, has died." Despite being young and knowing very little about him, Shane slowly curled into a ball and cried after hearing the news about his father.

Thirteen years later, Shane flew out to New Orleans to visit his father's grave, just like his mother. The only difference is that he stayed in New Orleans. As he kneeled in front of his father's grave, he heard a familiar voice call out to him. "Shane," said the ghastly voice. "Who's there? What do you want?" answered Shane. He slowly rose and looked around to find where the voice was coming from. "Shane," repeated the voice. Shane soon came to realize that the voice was coming from the tombstone. "Dad? Is that you?" he asked. "Shane. I know why you're here," said Facilier. "Never got a chance to meet your old man, so you decided to pay a visit to my grave, eh?" He cackles. "Well, better late than never!" Shane turned to face the tombstone. Upon seeing the face of his father, he shrieked. "Sorry for scaring you, son," said Facilier. "Why are you here?" asked Shane. "Did I not say that I know why you're here? I thought I did," said Facilier. "Anyway, you're here to get in on the voodoo action, and I'm here to give you a message." "A message? Sure. Let me hear it," said Shane. "Well, I was gonna break out into song, but I don't think you're into that, so I'mma keep it short and sweet. The voodoo is yours now, son, and so are the Friends. You may answer to them, but their actions reflect your intentions," said Facilier. "Mind explaining?" asked Shane. "Ah, you'll find out in time, son! Now, take this voodoo and be the new Shadow Man!" said Facilier. A big burst of energy struck Facilier's tombstone, causing it to rumble. Shane took cover behind a nearby tombstone. The last that Shane hears of his father is his cackle as his tombstone explodes. In the tombstone's place stands a cane with a skull handle. Shane slowly walked up to the cane and reached out to it. As if they were compatible, the cane flew into Shane's hand. "Alright, Friends. I'm in charge now. I'll give you whatever you want, but I ain't gonna harm anyone unless I need to. I swear. I'm gonna change the Facilier name to represent goodness," said Shane.

In New Orleans, there's a small building in a dark alleyway. That building is the former shop of Dr. Facilier. Shane emerges from the shadows in front of the entrance. He takes a moment to gather his thoughts. "Okay, deep breaths," he says. Shane takes a deep breath, then immediately goes wide-eyed. "Clara!" He takes out a small mirror from his pocket and stares at it. "Please be okay, Clara," he whispers. The mirror shows Clara running from her father's guard. Shane exhales deeply and puts the mirror back in his pocket. "Alright. Now that I know Clara's okay, time to get me some beignets!" he says, rubbing his hands and licking his lips. "First, I need to figure out where I am." He looks around to get his bearings, then notices the shop. He sighs, rolls his eyes, then makes his way towards New Orleans's biggest restaurant, Tiana's Place.

"That'll be $10, please. Thank you kindly," says Princess Tiana. She may be a princess, but she's never forgotten where she came from. "Tina! Can you come and help me and your dad close up, please?" she says. "You ain't gotta ask me twice, mom!" Tina answers as she sprints into the restaurant. Tina is Tiana and Naveen's daughter, and the resemblance is uncanny. Her features mostly resemble her mom's, like the dark brown, curly hair and dimples, but she has her dad's hazel eyes. Following Tina is her best friend, Charlene LaBouff. Coincidentally, Charlene's the daughter of Charlotte LaBouff, Tiana's best friend. Must be a hereditary thing. "Heya, Tina! Want me to help you?" she says to Tina. "How nice of you, Charlene! But we can handle this. You don't wanna mess up your nails, now, do ya?" says Tina, picking up plates and silverware. "Oh, you know me!" exclaims Charlene. She giggles as she twirls her hair. The bell rings, which means that someone just walked in. "We're closed. Come back tomorrow," says Tiana. "Aww! But you've got the best beignets in New Orleans!" Shane whines.

Charlene turns to face the door, then gasps with excitement. "Shane!" She runs up to him and gives him a big hug. "Oh, I'm so glad you're back from Paris! How was the City of Love, darling?" Shane kisses Charlene on the cheek and says, "Oh, it's not as lovely without your special someone, but it was pretty good. Maybe I can take you one day." Charlene squeals. Tina and Tiana look at Charlene with confusion. "Uh, Char? Who's that?" asks Tina. "Ti, I thought I told you about him!" says Charlene. "Yeah, you might've," says Tina, resting her head in her hand. "Ti, have you been ignoring me?" Charlene asks with her hands on her hips. "Of course not! I remember you talking about someone and wanting to see them after they return from... somewhere. I'm sorry, Char. I'm just so busy helping around the restaurant," says Tina. "It's okay, Ti. As long as you weren't ignoring me. Shane, why don't you introduce yourself?" says Charlene.

"Shane. Shane Facilier. Charlene's boyfriend. You must be Tina," says Shane. "Hold on a minute," says Tiana. She strides over to Shane. "Facilier? I remember that name very well. You're the son of the Shadow Man, aren't you?" Shane smiles and says, "Ah, so you know me!" Tiana stares Shane right in his eyes. "Your father turned me and Naveen into frogs, nearly got us both killed, and even caused Lottie a bit of trouble. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't ban you from here," she says with her arms folded and a stern tone. "Char, how'd you even meet this guy?" asks Tina. "Oh, I was just walking to my house, when I found myself staring at this handsome piece of work. It was love at first sight! Naturally, I approached him, put on my best flirty face, and introduced myself," says Charlene. "It's true! Within just a couple of hours, I was hooked. I think she put a spell on me!" Shane jokes. "Please, Tiana? I know you and his father may have had bad blood, but Shane's a sweet guy. Just give him a chance? For me?" Charlene bats her eyes and grins from ear to ear. "Fine. Shane, I know you're not your father. But if anything happens to either Tina or Charlene, I will come to you first. Got it?" says Tiana. "Understood, Your Highness," says Shane, bowing. Charlene calls to Shane from the top of the stairs. "Shane! I've got some beignets up here if you wanna share 'em!" Without hesitation, Shane runs up the stairs to spend time with Charlene. "You gotta admit, he's got a certain wholesomeness to him," says Tina. "Ain't gonna argue with that one, Ti," says Tiana.

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