Chapter 15

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Clara stood close behind Claytin. She normally wasn't scared of anyone but her father but when she was surrounded by people that hated him, it was kind of unnerving. Claytin was holding her hand behind his back. Roma was next to Clopin who was staring at her and his son. "Claytin, my boy, you have kept this girl a secret for years now and you expect the Court to just accept her," Clopin said. "Dad, there is a reason for that," Claytin responded. "She is a villain!" An angry voice said from the crowd. Others made a pathway and what do you know, Quasimodo came walking over. Clara tensed, she didn't exactly like him. He was the reason her father ended up dead, which led to her mom being sacrificed and all the bad things in her life happening. "She was raised by her father! She is a villain and shouldn't be here!" Quasimodo yelled. Clara glared and yelled back, "You were raised by him too! That didn't stop you from causing his death!" "Clara! That's not helping!" Roma said sternly. Clara huffed and rolled her eyes. She knew she shouldn't have come to the Court. "Quasimodo is right! She was raised as a villain, she is a Frollo, at least Quasimodo wasn't raised to be a villain!" Esmerelda said coming up, hand in hand with Phoebus. "Clara isn't evil though..." Roma said. Claytin hit his forehead with the palm of his head and sighed. Clara gave a short laugh. "What's so funny?!" Phoebus asked. "The fact that people say I'm not evil. I don't believable I am evil but I also don't believe in good and evil. Never have. I believe in villains, heroes and neutral. A hero is evil to a villain and a villain is evil to a hero," Clara said, venom laced into her words. "So, what are you?" Esmerelda asked coldly. Clara gave a sarcastic, annoyed smile, "You've already decided for me, and you know what, you were right!" She let go of Claytin's hand and left the Court. Claytin glared at his family and friends and chased after his fiance. Roma hardly took a step to chase after his daughter when she stopped and took a step back.

"Clara! What are you doing?!" Claytin asked closing the cabin door behind him. "Calling Charlene. She'll get Shane over here and I'll get him to take me somewhere. Whether it be New Orleans, or Sydney Australia or somewhere else! I am sorry Claytin! I want to marry you but I can't!" Clara cried as she started packing up. Claytin grabbed her hands. "No! You aren't leaving me again! I lost you once and I am not losing you again!" "Do you think I want this?! Because I don't! But I am not going to marry you and hide in this cabin my whole life! If I am marrying you, I want to be able to actually live with you!" Claytin hugged her tightly. "How about tomorrow, you perform. Decide then what you want to do. And I will respect whatever you decide." Claytin suggested. Clara nodded and left Claytin's embrace. "And Clara?" "Yes?" "I don't care what happens, I am marrying you. If you decide to leave Paris again, I'm coming with you and I will leave the Court of Miracles behind." Before Clara could respond, Claytin kissed her and went into the bathroom to take a shower. Taking out her phone, she texted Charlene. 'You know, I used to think what you and Shane had was really stupid, won't lie. But apparently, if what you guys have is stupid, what I got is dumb. Tell Shane I said hi and that he might be visiting sooner than later. See if he can come the day after tomorrow, I want to ask his advice on something. Nothing too bad. I would text or call him but doubt he even has his phone on him. P.S. You still owe me a clothes shopping trip!'

"COME ONE AND ALL! SEE THE MYSTERIOUS BEAUTY WHO HAS RETURNED TO PARIS YET AGAIN!" Claytin called out on the stage. Not even seconds later, a whole crowd surrounded the stage. Clara made sure her hood was shadowing her face before taking Claytin's outstretched hand as he helped her on stage. Everyone cheered when they saw her. She gave a small smile as she went in the middle of the stage. Claytin went down off the stage, next to her purse that carried her dagger and phone. Changing her voice slightly, like she usually did when she performed she started her performance. She grabbed her tambourine from inside her cloak. Near the end of the performance, she decided to do something that wasn't planned. She did a spin and as she did that, she pulled her hood down. the crowd cheered even louder when she took off the hood. Her brown hair twirled in the wind until her spin ended. As soon as her spin stopped, the song was over. Before she could scan the crowd like usual, Claytin ran up to her, wrapped his arms around her waist and picked her up, spinning her around. Then he kissed her and Clara pushed herself away slightly. Before she could say anything, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a cop, gun drawn. Clara quickly grabbed her dagger from her purse but it was too late. More policemen came and surrounded her and Claytin. "Claytin Trouillefou, you are under arrest for kidnapping! Put your hands where we can see them!" one of the officers said, a taser pointed at Claytin. "What?!" Claytin said confused. Before anyone could react, a cop grabbed hold of him, and handcuffed him. "You have the right to remain silent! Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law! You have the right to an attorney, it cannot afford one, one will be provided for you! Do you understand the rights I have given you?!" the cop read his rights. (A/N I do not know if this an actual thing they say in Paris, France, I am from the USA so if you know what they actually say, please comment and I'll fix it.) "What is going on?! Claytin didn't kidnap anyone!" Clara yelled. "You are safe now ma'am, you don't have to fear him. You can..." a female cop started from behind her. "Wow! Wow! Wow! Whoever said I was kidnapped?!" Clara interrupted. "Your father reported you missing ma'am..." another officer said. "My father?! Do you even know who I am or who my father is?! You've got the wrong girl!" Clara yelled annoyed. "You're Clara Frollo, on your eighteenth birthday you went missing, kidnapped," the cop responded slowly trying to approach her. "That son of a..." Clara paused. "He said I was missing?! Kidnapped?! Well, let me tell you, something officers! That is my fiance you have cuffed up! I have been sneaking to this side of Paris for years to visit him and perform here! I have been dating him for years and now, we are engaged, and I am going to marry him. I was never kidnapped! I never went missing! I ran away! On my own terms! I left my home! I was not taken! I was not forced! Now, you are going to cuff my fiance right now! And you are going to go back to looking for this missing girl, but you will never find her! My father, Claude Frollo, will never know I am here! As far as he is aware, I am not in Paris! Now, I am warning you, I will put this dagger right into your gut! Let Claytin go!" There was a silence, no one moved, no one spoke. It lasted for a second, when the sound of a horse clanking its hooves on the sidewalk interrupted the silence. "For years now? Exactly how many are we talking about?" a cold, villainous, familiar voice asked from behind Clara. Turning slightly pale, Clara turned around quickly, dagger still in hand and saw her father, on top of his black horse, some reason named Snowball. His eyes were angry, enraged even. "Father..." Clara muttered. She took half a step back. Out of all the days to be on this side of Paris, now he was. How had she not noticed him, how did no one else?! The audience was backing up and whispering. "Take the boy away!" Frollo ordered the policemen. "He didn't do anything! I said it myself! He didn't kidnap me!" Clara shouted taking a few steps towards her father, defensively. "She is right minister, as long as he hasn't done anything illegal, we can't arrest him..." the officer who handcuffed him said. Frollo glared at his daughter but didn't say anything to stop the officers from releasing Claytin. Clara ran up to Claytin and hugged him and whispered into his ear, "Shane should be coming tomorrow. If not, he is coming at the end of the week. Don't do anything that can be tracked, that means no texting Charlene or him. Wait until he comes here! Tell him what happened! He'll know where to go and do!" "What do you mean? You haven't done anything illegal, they can't take you!" Claytin said confused. Clara sighed, "Your part of the Court and I'm his daughter, take my purse with my phone and run!" she ordered him. Before Claytin could question her, her father's guards lunged to grab them. Clara pushed Claytin back some and attacked the guards. Using her dagger, she hit them in the weak spots of their armor. As she fought she screamed at Claytin "RUN!" Claytin grabbed her purse and left. He knew if he was caught, Clara would surrender herself, this way she might have a chance of getting away. Clara fought as hard as she could. By the time, the guards grabbed her arms and stopped her, their blood covered some of her clothes. No one was badly injured because of that stupid armor. "NO! LET GO OF ME!" Clara screeched. The guards dragged her before her father. He plucked her dagger out of her hand that she was still holding as she struggled. Then he slapped her across the face. Clara let out a small yelp of pain and surprise. "Put her in the car." Frollo ordered. Clara was dragged away to a black car, a horse trailer attached to the back of it. She pulled and struggled until her muscles screamed in agony. That's when she saw Roma in the crowd watching. "Mom! Help me!" She cried. Frollo stopped and looked to Roma who flinched. In her hand was a sword. Frollo and most of the guards were too far from Roma and Clara to reach them if Roma attacked the two holding Clara. Roma looked to Clara and then back behind her before putting the sword in the sword belt holder around her waist. She took a few steps backward before turning around and retreating. "NO!" Clara screamed feeling betrayed. The anger and betrayal she felt gave her enough strength for her to fight out of the guard's grasp. She started running but Frollo got in front of her and slapped her again, but this time, everything went dark.

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