Chapter 39

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   "Mother, I don't understand." Maleficent floated, or Maleficent's spirit. Markus had summoned her after getting a message in a dream of his that she needed to talk to him. "You have a cousin, daughter of your Aunt Doreen. Her magic is not within her. As you are my heir for this dimension, that makes her, half-mortal or not, the heir to our home dimension. Her name is Ayda, or her mortal name, Adrianna. It is up to you to find her and make her take her magic. You will teach her how to be a Dark Fairy Witch and send her back to take her place as the princess!" "But where is she then, mother? You must know!" "I do but I will not make it simple. But the boy who brought your aunt back, for a time, he knows where she is and where her magic is. Use him if you must! Don't let me down, son!" Maleficent's spirit disappeared. "Shane Facilier!" Markus growled. He grabbed a photo he had copied. A picture of Shane and Clara. He had stolen the original, copied it, and snuck it back. To summon someone alive, you needed something of theirs. This counted. He picked up his phone and texted Garrett to meet him in an hour, without Clara. Someone needed to keep her away from the cave while he dealt with this. 

   "Dawn!" "Coming mother!" Dawn went up the stairs of her grandmother's mansion until she found the room, her mother, Drizella. Dawn's Aunt Anastasia was there as well with Anna. "Yes, mother?" Dawn asked. "Come, let me help you with your hair, you can't go out like that! Even in this look of France!" Drizella said motioning her to come. Dawn sighed and sat down in front of her mother as she pulled and twisted her hair. "How is your boyfriend Anna?" Anastasia asked her daughter who she was helping with makeup. "Garrett is great, though frustrated with Markus and Clara. Keeps saying that if Markus wants Clara to just come out and take her but Markus doesn't want to," Anna explained. "Well, Clara is no good for Markus. She may be a good villain but she is just putting up an act! But none of you are listening!" Dawn spat. "Clara has gone back to her roots and is a villain again! How can you not see it? How can you not accept it?!" Anna asked. "Because Clara is not worth it! We'd be better off without her! As I tried to tell Markus but he is so head over heels when it comes to her he refuses to listen to common sense!" "You have been acting weird since we found out Markus liked Clara, you don't have a crush on him do you?" Anna asked. Dawn bit her lip and blushed some. "YOU DO!" "Anna! Don't scream! You will ruin your makeup!" "Sorry, ma'am." "So, you are wanting to be with the son of Maleficent?" Drizella asked Dawn. "Yes but he likes Frollo's daughter too much. I have no chance!" "No wonder you hate Clara so much! It all makes sense now!" Anna squealed. "Yeah, well, I can't be with him so what is the point?" "You a villain Dawn Tremaine! You take what you want! Understood?!" Drizella said. "Yes, mother." Both Anna and Dawn were done by now with their appearance. Anna looked at her phone and back to Dawn. "Garrett texted. Markus wants to meet, in an hour, without Clara.

   Clara walked through the city. She was finally alone, or as alone as she could be. She was just happy Markus, Garrett, Anna, and Dawn weren't around. She was passing an alleyway when she saw movement in the shadows. Clara stopped and looked in. "Who's there?!" she called. No answer. She took out her dagger and carefully went over. She attacked. "Stop! Clara! Clara stop! It's me!" A familiar male voice shouted. "Claytin?!" Clara asked. Claytin came out of the shadows in all black. Clara gave a curse. "What are you doing here?!" "Well... I may or may not have secretly stayed..." Claytin said. Clara slapped him. "Ouch..." "I told you to go to New Orleans! Please tell me Adrianna isn't here too!" "No, I sent her with Shane. I didn't want her around for the takeover." "How did you know about the takeover?! Shane told you didn't he? Oh, I am going to kill him!" "Come with me, we shouldn't talk out here." Claytin took Clara's hand and led her deeper into the alleyway. He bent down and opened a trap door, "Come on." Clara jumped down after her husband. "What is this place?" "The old location of the Court. We've been staying here," Claytin responded. "We?" Clara asked. "Us," Claytin said leading her to an open area filled with people. "I've been protecting them, keeping them safe from the villain kids and your father." Clara sighed, "I have to go..." "What?! I haven't talked to you in six months and you stay for only a minute?!" Clara sighed and started to leave. Claytin grabbed her wrist, pulled her back and kissed her. "I really needed that..." Clara muttered. "Me too, so what happened to your eye?" Claytin asked. "My father, what else?" Clara said giving a short laugh. She stayed for a while before leaving, still upset. She found the closest bar and went in, she was getting drunk. 

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