Chapter 31

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   "But mama!" Adrianna whined. "No, Adrianna! I said no! That's my final answer!" Clara said crossing her arms. "But you said I could go!" she cried. "I said I would think about it! And I decided no!" "It's not even your show! If anyone should decide if I go it's papa!" Adrianna yelled. "Do not yell at your mama! We decided this together Adrianna!" Claytin said angrily, crossing his arms as well. "I want to watch! Shane would take me!" "Shane isn't your papa!" Clara said angrily. "Well, I wish he was! He'd be better than you two!" she ran into the bathroom and locked the door behind her. "Adrianna!" Clara called after her. Claytin put his hand on her shoulder. "Let her be, we will deal with it when we get back. Roma is here," he said. Clara sighed and nodded. Claytin opened the door and Roma walked in. "Hey, mom, thanks for doing this. I know you much rather be at the performance," Clara said. "No problem, I understand, but don't you think you two are going a little hard on her?" Roma asked. "You sound like Shane. But we wouldn't be doing this if we didn't think it was for the best. She is in the bathroom, upset she can't come," Clara said. "Alright, well have fun and I'll see you later." Roma hugged Clara before saying goodbye. Clara and Claytin headed to where the Court would be performing. 

   Clara was standing front row. She always enjoyed watching, even if she much rathered to perform herself. She had decided against performing before the Court though. She still was a little nervous about it since her last performance and how that ended up. At intermission, Clara felt her phone vibrate. Her father had texted an address. Frowning she went to go find Claytin. Once she found him, he came over to her and kissed her. "You enjoying the performance?" he asked. "You know I am, but I can't stay for the second half," Clara responded with a sigh. "Why not? Everything okay?" "Yeah, just my father and the weekly meeting I was telling you about." Claytin sighed, "I don't like the idea of you going to see him." "Trust me, I don't either but I have to. I don't need him hurting me and in the process hurting Shane. I'll be back later, love you." "Love you too." Claytin kissed Clara one more time before she headed off. 

   The performance was going to start up again in about three minutes. Claytin was getting ready when he heard someone call his name. He turned around and saw Roma, Adrianna nowhere in sight? "Roma? What are you doing here? Where is Adrianna?" Claytin asked going over to her. "She wouldn't come out of the bathroom so I got worried. I was able to get in but when I did, the window was open and I found this on the sink counter," Roma explained handing Claytin a piece of paper with Adrianna's handwriting saying one word, Goodbye. "She ran away?!" Claytin exclaimed in shock. "I don't know how long ago, I am so sorry Claytin. I've been looking for her, where is Clara?" "I'll text her, she is with Claude, the weekly meeting." Claytin got out his phone and texted Clara. "Adrianna ran away." "What?!" "She snuck out the bathroom window, Roma doesn't know how long ago. She left a note saying goodbye." "I am on my way!" Claytin looked to Roma, "She is coming." He then turned and went over to Clopin. "Dad! I can finish the performance, Adrianna ran away," Claytin explained quickly. "What? Alright, I'll cancel the rest performance and have the Court help find her," Clopin said quickly. He quickly went up on stage and announced that they would have to reschedule and told the others from the Court what was happening. Then they all started searching Paris. 

    Adrianna ducked into her old home. She hated this place. She used to live here with her old papa, except when she ran off which was most days. The house was empty of people and the smell of alcohol still cloaked the air. She went up the stairs quickly, not wanting to be here any longer than she had to be. She stopped and one point and looked into a room that the door had been torn off the hinges, her old room. It was hardly decorated with things she liked, it was a room fit for a noble girl, she was no noble. She stared at it for what seemed like hours when she heard her name being called from outside the house, bringing her out of her thoughts. She went to a window and saw that the whole Court was searching for her, calling her name. She hurried down the hallway until she found the room she was looking for. Her old papa's room. She went in and bit her tongue. It was fancier than any room in the house but it was littered with empty beer bottles. Stepping carefully she had it to his old desk. She pulled out a drawer and saw a red amulet necklace. Taking it out, she started to cry. It was her old mama's before her old papa killed her. She told Adrianna that this amulet could take you to anyone. All you had to do is put it on and think of the person you wanted to go to. She heard the front door open, someone was searching the house. "Adrianna?!" It was Claytin. Adrianna slid the amulet onto her neck and muttered, "Take me to Charlene in New Orleans..."

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