Chapter 42

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Verity and Shane lay awake, worrying about what's to come. "Shane, you're putting your life on the line," says Verity. "Yeah, I know. But I can't back down now. Not while we're so close to putting an end to this once and for all," says Shane. "Son, aren't you worried that Frollo will-?" "Of course, I am. But I'm not gonna let that keep me away. If I have to make a hero's sacrifice, I will," says Shane. "Shane... are you awake?" Adrianna asked going into the room they were in. Shane sits up. "Yeah, I'm awake. Pretty difficult for me to sleep, if I'm being honest," he says. Adrianna went over and sat next to him. "I didn't mean what I said to Charlene. I am just worried. I don't want to lose either of my parents, much less both of them..." Shane puts his arm around her. "It's okay, she understands," he says. Adrianna started crying. "I just want things to go back like they were..." Shane hugs Adrianna. "Me too, Adri," he says. "Thanks for the help back in the cave. What made you decide to accept your magic?" Adrianna shrugged. "I was thinking about you said about my cousin. Plus, my old papa contacted me, through a dream. He was nicer, apologized for taking them in the first place." Shane chuckles. "Ah, Trash Bucket Bisset. Dude's really being a better person," he says. "I don't think he was ever truly bad, he just had bad people around him, like mama did... uh, not you. I mean her father..." Adrianna said. "I was so happy when I found out about his death," says Verity. "But when he came back, it took everything in my power to not go over to Paris and give him a piece of my mind." "You still can if you want. Markus talks to Maleficent all the time. With my magic, I can talk to anyone who is dead," Adrianna said. "The only problem is they can also contact me." "I'd rather not," says Verity. "How many days until your birthday, Adri?" Shane asks."A week, so seven days," Adrianna said. "That should be enough time to make this evil empire fall," says Shane. "Knowing mama, it will be over by the end of tomorrow," Adrianna said, "I just hope papa is around to see it..." "We'll make sure that he does," says Verity. "Yeah, we promise," says Shane. Adrianna nodded. She hugged Shane and looked over to Verity. "You said I was more powerful than Markus. What did you mean? I am half-mortal. What don't I know?" she asks. "Well, your mother was much stronger than Maleficent," says Verity. "And Markus isn't really all that strong on his own," says Shane. "Therefore, with the proper training, you could be much stronger than Markus." "Even with my mortal part? I'd think that would make me weaker," Adrianna asked. "Being half-mortal doesn't make you weaker at all!" says Shane. "And besides, if Markus was all that powerful, he wouldn't need four other VKs to back him up," says Verity.

   "You guys think he needs us to back him up? I never thought of you two as dumb," Clara said coming in. "Mama!" Adrianna got up and hugged her. "Hey baby girl, what are you doing up so late?" "Couldn't sleep." "I assume you couldn't sleep, either?" Shane asks Clara. "I haven't even tried. No point in it. I snuck out though I'll have to go back before sunrise," Clara explained. "Still can't believe that Frollo actually got Claytin," says Verity. "Unfortunately, that guy's always got something up his sleeve," says Shane. "Look at what he's done to me," Clara said pointing to her eye and then to the back of her neck where she was still branded. "He'll do anything to control me or to test me. That's what this is, a test. To see who I am loyal to. If I am loyal to him, I'll let Claytin die, if I am not, well, you'll see that side tomorrow." "Can I come?" Adrianna asked. "N-O, no," Clara said without hesitation. "Yeah, I'm gonna have to side with Clara on this one, Adri," says Shane. "Why can't I go?" Adrianna asked. "Your only ten, almost eleven. And I am not ready for you to be around my father or the other villain kids. It's too dangerous. Back me up Shane, Verity," Clara said. Verity sits up. "This is for your own safety," she says. "Plus, there's really no telling the outcome of the execution," says Shane. "You've already watched Doreen get killed. We don't want to risk the chance of you seeing Claytin die, too," says Shane. "Can't you just bring him back if needed?" Adrianna asked Shane. "I could, but I'd rather not have Claytin die in the first place," Shane answers. "Exactly, now it was decided. You're not coming," Clara said, "And it is the middle of the night, you need some sleep." "I am not tired!" "Adrianna, please don't be me. I don't think Shane can handle another me," Clara sighed. "Yeah, we've made that very clear," says Shane, laughing. "I don't want to sleep..." Adrianna muttered, "Much less, able to fall asleep..." Clara looked to Shane, "Can you..." Shane smiles and snaps his fingers, putting Adrianna to sleep. 

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