Chapter 53

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   "Can you make sure Adrianna is inside? And away from the backyard?" Clara texted Claytin, stumbling. She had, had an accident at the stables and now she had a sword cut wound in her side that was bleeding. She didn't want to go to the hospital or call Shane even though she knew she should. "Yeah, why? What's up?" Claytin texted back a minute later. "You don't want to know." After a few minutes, Clara made it to her house and went in through the back gate. "Clara! What happened?!" Claytin asked coming up to her. He had been waiting outside in the back. "Nothing, I'm fine..." Clara said. She tripped and Claytin caught her and laid her on the ground, helping her put pressure on the wound. "You're not fine! You bleeding out!" "I am fine! I can take care of it!" "I'm calling Shane!" Claytin said. "I am fine! You don't have to!" Clara said trying to stand up but Claytin forced her to stay down. "Hush! You are bleeding out Clara! It's either this or the hospital where your father can track your records." "Or we just let me handle it!" Claytin rolled his eyes and dialed Shane's number.  

   "What's up, Claytin?" says Shane. "Hey, we need you and your voodoo magic over here..." Claytin said. "No, we don't! I am fine!" Clara yelled. "You say that one more time Clara and I swear! We are in the backyard, can you come?" "Yeah, I can make it there," says Shane. "How urgent is it?" "Urgent," Claytin said. "It's really not!" Clara growled.  

   Shane hangs up instantly and appears next to Claytin. He looks at Clara and nearly vomits. "Oh, god! What happened?!" "Nothing, I am fine," Clara said Claytin slapped the back of her head. "You really aren't! It looks like you were attacked." "Well, I wasn't! It was just an accident while I was training. I fell off Misty with one of my swords and somehow this happened." "And you walked all the way back here?!" "Yes." "Jesus Christ Clara..." Shane closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "Calm down, Shane. It's just some blood," he says to himself. He begins to heal Clara, while still having his eyes closed. "You know, being a hero means your going to have to see blood right? Not everything gets solved through conversation," Clara said, "Heck, someday you might have to see someone die." "Yes, Clara. I'm well aware of that," says Shane. "I used to faint at the sight of blood, but I'm getting stronger when it comes to seeing it." "God, you're weird." "At least he doesn't think bleeding out is an 'I'm fine' situation," Claytin said crossing his arms. "Yeah, it's called being normal, Clara. Maybe you should try it," Shane asserts. "Alright, you should be good to go." "Being normal is boring for one. And two, I was fine." Clara said standing up. Claytin slapped her again. "You weren't fine!" Shane sighs. "Chill out, Claytin. She was always like this. One time, she dislocated her shoulder, then snapped it back into place like it was nothing." "Hey, I didn't dislocate my shoulder, that was my father. You came after he did that and I just lied saying I did it. Was better than you going after him," Clara said shrugging her shoulder. "Still, what were you going to do with that Clara?" "I was figuring it out." "Well, since I'm here, I might as well see if there's any updates on things," says Shane. "Clara can handle that, I am going back inside to tell Adrianna and Roma everything is okay. Next time, don't just text to say make sure Adrianna is inside, at least call," Claytin said before kissing Clara's cheek. 

   After he went inside Clara gave a small sigh. "He worries too much. Anyways only real update is my father is back in Paris." Shane smirks. "Good. Sooner or later, he'll find out that all of his prisoners are missing. Then we'll finally confront that old bag," he says. "He probably already knows. But I am waiting for the angry phone call or text. I'll call when that happens. I assume you'll bring the whole HVKs with you now that you are a part of them?" Clara said laying back down on the ground. "Of course," says Shane. "Which means I should hurry up and accomplish my ultimate goal." "Well, I am happy for you. You belong in that group," Clara said. She leans against a wall. "Totally," he says. Clara sat up and looked at him, "I should have told you about it ages ago but Emily was still so stubborn on Americans I just decided against it. I was already dealing with both of you trying to make me a hero. I didn't want you two working together on that one." Clara sat up and looked at him, "I should have told you about it ages ago but Emily was still so stubborn on Americans I just decided against it. I was already dealing with both of you trying to make me a hero. I didn't want you two working together on that one." Shane chuckles. "Yeah, we would have made your life more of a hell than just Frollo alone," he says. "I have trouble believing that, but sure," Clara said. "I actually met one of them just yesterday. Sully, son of Ursula. He and his girlfriend, Allara decided to pay me and Char a visit to congratulate me on joining," says Shane. "Sully's brother is annoying. He was in the takeover. Didn't know when to shut his mouth," Clara said, "Umar's his name. I almost cut out his tongue. Could have made him like his mother made Ariel, silent. Oh, how I wish I could have made him silent." Shane nods his head. "Siblings turning against each other. I'll tell you, VKs really don't care about who they'll have to fight when choosing sides," he says. "Thank god I am an only child," Clara sighed. "Oh, I felt that," says Shane. "You think after what just happened, Claytin would let me go out?" Clara asked, "Probably not..." "He might. You did say it was just an accident while training," says Shane. "Yeah, maybe. I don't know. He is way too overprotective. More protective over me than you," Clara sighed. "Can you blame him? He's your husband. Of course, he's gonna be overprotective," says Shane. "Though I do think he should take it down several notches." Clara nodded. "Oh, I forgot to tell you. Your mother slapped me the other day because she found out about me believing Markus isn't a true villain. Thanks a lot, Shane for spilling." Shane shrugs. "You fill a bottle with too much fluid, it'll eventually overflow," he says. "Your mom slaps really hard, I am happy she didn't raise me. Knowing me, I'd be slapped multiple times a day," Clara laughed. "Yeah, you'd definitely need to wear a mask every day," Shane jokes. "At least with my father, I didn't get slapped every day even if they were hard enough to get me on the ground," Clara said standing up. "True. But then again, he is old," says Shane. "He is strong for an old man, and he is smart," Clara said sighing. "Well, I'm gonna make a fool out of him," says Shane. "I'll believe it when I see it." Shane shakes his head in false disappointment. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. So negative all the time," he says. "Positivity is for suckers," Clara laughed. "Whatever you say," says Shane. "I am gonna head out. Just going for a walk but need some time alone. The others are inside if you want to stick around. I probably won't be back till late," Clara said. Shane nods. "Oh! Do you know where Gabriel and Floria are?" "No, Adrianna will know. She keeps in touch," Clara said putting her hood up. "Alright, cause I've got some business to attend to," says Shane. Clara nodded before leaving the backyard through the back gate. 

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