This Musician Couple is scary

Start from the beginning

I couldn't help but give an evil grin as she blushed, "Hey just cause she is cute doesn't mean she is your level." She trotted away as I turn a massive shade of red.

Once she was away I walked over to the jewelry and looked at the rings. At the very end of the boxes was a ring with a symbol of an owl, the symbol of Athena and her mother.

I bought it and started to head over to the mythology section but the gate to it was down. I started talking to myself confused about how it could be down and I hear a strange noise from inside, a slicing noise. Without thinking I run to the gate and pull it up with everything I had.

From my pocket I pull out the retractable spear a made and run forwards to see a trail of blood. In front of me was Amelia bleeding from her side and mouth. I wanted to go to her but behind her stood an object in a cloak.

"She calls for a tragedy, She is forced by the passion goddess. Her poison will not be your true enemy but will be your death." The figure flips the cloak off and the entire room fills with smoke with the voice now booming," She calls the goddess 2nd best, forces mistress to do the work, only that who controls fire will end your curse of loved ones dying. If you love, they will be drained of the soul."

The voice disappeared leaving the room engulfed in smoke and figures on fire. in front of me was Amelia. I go towards her but she holds her hand out, "Don't, you'll die here if you do." I dropped to my knees, "I-I can't leave you, we can get you to a hospital, I can't leave you."

She gives a smile, the smile every morning that brightens my day and mouth the words as her arm drops, "I love you, you damn idiot."

The fog cleared as I was on my knees from crying. in my hand was the ring I bought all those years ago. Behind me I heard a crunching sound of leaves, I had power suddenly flowing through me, enraged, all my strength had been restored and a voice whispered in my head,

"Stop the curse. Save the key."

I get up and slam my fist behind me hearing a screech before my fist came in contact with something. I look up filled with rage to see a girl crumbled to the ground next to a boy with a slight beard growing.

"Woah, Woah, Woah, wait don't hurt us." The guy pulls out a sword in a defensive stance, realizing this I drop my fist from where they were and knelt.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to, I just... Panicked I-" As I'm next to the girl a feel a point on my head. "You really just punched her like that? All we were doing was seeing if you were ok cause you were crying. now I'm not so sure you deserve that."

"Lin- Please stop acting all tuff. Ow." The girl spoke in a soft tone, wincing from the punch.

The boy named Lin pulled away from his blade, that could've been it for me is all I thought. I lent my hand to the girl and help up onto a log as the rest of us sit. It was quiet but the two sat close to each other. I wanted to ask something nice like, "oo how long you've been together" but I broke the ice.

"Why are you two traveling in the woods? who are you?" They both look at each other and tell me their names which were Lin and Kyla. "We are actually here looking for a friend named Beige, someone called us." The girl spoke holding her stomach which being honest, still felt terrible about. But the named she mentioned she couldn't know-

"Beige? Basia? Do you know him?" The girl once again tried to speak up but Lin interrupted her by putting his hand on her shoulder, "Kyla, let me speak for now. Anyways yeah we are on a mission together and we kind of have to go back to it where is he."

I looked at them worryingly and tell them about what had happened. Both of them after the story wasn't worried for some reason. "Ok, I'm not surprised Beige got kidnapped honestly. We need to find him, where were you guys going before this?" Lin had a stern look on his face anxious to get moving again.

Curse of flames: Awakening (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now