how to lose a guy in 10 days ending

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this fic was so cute and on such crack

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this fic was so cute and on such crack. i didn't plan much beyond the rest of the plot of the movie, but here's what i got:
• obviously the rest of the movie would carry out
• paul and vitani would go to couples counseling, and she would continue to embarrass him
• after, vitani would spend time with the pack and start seeing a side of paul she's never seen before
• she would see how happy he was when he was with family, and how she actually didn't want this relationship to end
• eventually, vitani would learn of paul's bet and paul would learn of vitani's article
• this would cause a major blowout
• vitani would be insulted by paul treating her like a prize, and paul would be insulted by vitani only wanting to grow close to him because she wanted to get attention in the school newspaper
• the pack would probably visit vitani in forks and have them reconcile
• vitani and paul's relationship would be a little unusual
• when they got back together, they would basically have to start all over
• paul would begin to learn the real vitani and vitani would begin to learn the real paul
• paul would have a hard time adjusting to a vitani who's calm and really nice, not demanding things of him and dressing him how she wants
• he falls in love with the real vitani
• she falls in love with the real paul

this was all i really had planned for the rest of breaking dawn. i didn't want vitani to be involved in any of the vampire/werewolf drama.

post breaking dawn:
• paul and vitani would've stayed together after they finished high school
• vitani would encourage paul to go to college even though he wasn't very interested in his studies
• they would live a quaint life together in la push
• vitani would actually be the head writer of the local newspaper after getting her journalism degree
• i wanted them to have a few kids, maybe two or three and they would all become shifters too if a vampire crossed the land
• either way, vitani and paul both thanked fate for their unusual first meeting

please comment your thoughts!

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