Amnesia..(part 3)

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(Art not mine, i just requested it from an artist)
I'm adding more people so it doesnt get confusing. You can skip this if you want

(just imagine bobert a little taller)I also need to mention that

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(just imagine bobert a little taller)
I also need to mention that

(just imagine bobert a little taller)I also need to mention that

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I ship these two. Male! Carrie x darwin.. or should I say Cari (Car- E) x Darwin.

Tw. Involves attempt murder (I guess) and lies.

Aurthur P.O.V


I was wondering around this weird forest, it was odd because it there was no path no people, animals, nothing. It was about night time and for some reason I felt... calm? I'm not sure how to describe it. I just felt good. Like there was nothing to worry about.

I continued to walk down the dark forest then suddenly, I came upon a cabin. I walked towards it, out of curiosity, only to regret it.

"I'm so glad Ocho's gone." Said Joe

"I agree 100%" said Allen, "I always hated how he would get mad at the smallest things."

"YEAH!" Yelled gumball and darwin

"Who else thought it was getting annoying of him flirting with me?" Said Tobias.

I never flirted with him! It was always the other way around!

"And another thing he always did was cheat!"

T-thats not true... I could feel tears rushing down my face as I backed up slowly.

"Man, I'm not gonna miss him. He was always telling stories about things that no one cared about" Said Molly

As I backed up, I could feel heat near me. Suddenly, a door opened and fire started spreading near me. I gasped and ran down the pathway behind me, trying to find a way out.

Something... Something felt suffocating.. Like, someone was.. Choking me.. I continued to run down the pathway until,

"AHHH!!!" a female scream echoed around the forest and I could only feel cold.. I opened my eyes and realized that I was now in water.

I spun around and looked up to where I fell at, orange and red could all be seen. But, a bright white light surrounded a figure. I couldn't make out the face, but I caught a small glimse of very faint but light, almost sky, blue eyes.

I had that weird suffocating feeling again but this time, I couldn't even breath.

I tried to swim up to that person but, it felt like my lungs were being filled with water.

I started loosing consciousness. How do i know that? Because black spots closed my vision, and also my vision was very blurry.

I closed my eyes and heard faint talking..
3rd POV

"GUMBALL!! FIX IT!!" Yelled darwin.
"IM TRYING!!" cried Gumball, "I-I don't know how!"

Gumball and Darwin went to visit Ocho at Elmore Hospital but, like always, one of them did something. Gumball held the broken Machine for the Air mask that Ocho was wearing.

Darwin, as usual, was panicking and running around room. Gumball doing the same but with the Machine in his hands.

Suddenly, the two boys stopped mid panic hearing small coughs.

Gumball dropped the Machine and rushed over to the bed side with Darwin, "you okay buddy..?" asked Gumball, petting Ocho's head for comfort.

Ocho looked at Gumball scared and shaking. His before black eyes now bright blue had the look of fear. Darwin took Gumballs hand away from Ocho and put it to his side.

"He has bandages on his head dummy! You need to be careful!" Said Darwin, and like an adult, he crossed his arms and shook his head as Gumball held his head down in shame, "Sorry Ocho"

"¡¿Quién eres tú?!" Ocho asked

"What did he say?" Asked Gumball, "I think he said "Quién eres tú.'"

Ocho looked at Darwin confused

Gumball look at Darwin, "what does that mean?" The blue cat asked, Darwin shrugged "I dunno" "is it Japanese?"

"¿Japonés?" Said Ocho confused. "Oh! I know who to ask!" Exclaimed Gumball, "Sarah?" Said Darwin.

Sarah's head peaks from the corner of the window near Ocho's bed. "No, Anais." Sarahs head suddenly goes away.

"Oh, yeah, she's really smart! She'll know what he's saying!"

Gumball and Darwin both grab Ocho's arms and drag him out of the hospital, Darwin grabbing his clothes aswell but missing his Benie.
(At the Watterson House hold)

Richard is roaming through the fridge per usual, Nicole is making dinner, and Anais is playing with Daisy The Donkey and coloring. But just as she was finishing up the page, the two boys burst in with very scared and confused Ocho.

"ANAIS!!!" The two screamed. "What?" She asked in her normally annoyed voice, putting the Pink crayon down.

I'm getting the next chapter published right now, stay tuned.

Spanish words:

1. "Who are you?!"

2. "Japanese?"

Also, he speaking spanish because his name is in spanish-

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