ch. 15| Searching time!

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Y'all's comments got me literally laugh coughing--

Anyways, art belongs to it's rightful owner

Edit: I honestly forgot about this book/chapter for a hot minute. I'm totally not writing this during science class lol.

Edit #2: I caught a cold the same day I started writing this, so its coming out even later.

Anyways, enjoy this long awaited chapter.

Tw: slight language (like 1 or 2), mention of abuse.

3rd POV

"C'mon, I think it's down this way!" Gumball exclaimed as he went down the forest

"Gumball, you said that 2 hours ago..." The fish lover huffed out between breathes, "Do you... even remember where we are..?" Darwin huffed obviously out of air.

"I'm fine." Ocho said softly

"That's because you're not even standing!!" Darwin yelled as he looked over towards Ocho who was on gumball's back being carried.

Ocho told Gumball put him down, but Gumball insisted on carrying him, using the excuse "you've been out the hospital twice, you shouldn't have to walk. You should rest"

Ocho felt fine. Really, he had a couple of bruises and cuts, but he was fine. Minus the fact that he gets headaches here and there.

Passing by the same exact tree for the 10th time, Gumball yells out loudly in anger.

"Gumball, just admit it, we're lost!" Darwin yells to his brother, "I have excellent navigating skills! Just.. Today they aren't as excellent!"

"You do not have excellent navigating skills! Remember when we went on that field trip through the forest of doom?? You got us both lost!"

"Yeah, but that was like 7 years ago!"

"Dude, it was almost 2 years ago, not even."

Ocho slowly gets off from Gumball's back and makes contact with the ground. Not even taking one step before he yelped due to a thorn on the cold grassy ground. Thanks to their loud arguing, Gumball nor Darwin heard him.

Ocho slowly started to walk away from them

"Hm, I wonder why we kept going in circles?" He wonders. Come to think of it, why we're they in here in the first place?

Ocho was just sitting on his couch enjoying sometime with his Aunt when they just suddenly barged in and took him.

What was it for...?

. . . .

. . .

. .


Oh yeah, a notebook or whatever.

Why would they need to be looking for a notebook?

Oh Lord, his mind is still messed up frm previous events.

Taking a couple more steps away from the tree the two boys we're still arguing at, Ocho makes his was to another tree which kind of looked similar to the last one they saw.

"Hm, strange how they all look kind of the same. " 

Ocho looks around at his surroundings for what seems to be the 100th time before realizing something. They were actually going forward for the first hour, until Gumball decided to take a few turns. Speaking of which, not only a few seconds after leaving, a loud noise could be heard not too far from them.

Blind Love (Tobias X Ocho/ T. A. W. O. G fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now