Ch.14| Other Relatives

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Tw: Mentions of abuse.

If you're not comfortable with these things listed here, please do not read.

𝘖𝘤𝘩𝘰 𝘗𝘖𝘝 🫐🎮

"I'm tellin' ya! The kids motha broke the cat lady's arm!" A woman with a weird accent said, "wh-.. NO JACKSON I'M NOT SMOKIN' AGAIN." She said over the phone.

Auntie Mary.. Who knew the day would come to the point I had to be taken away from my mother by Aunt Mary.

Aunt Mary stays in New York, she works as the manager at a huge restaurant.

Aunt Mary used to go to New York on occasions until she had to move there when a few of her cooks ended up almost putting her entire business in jeaprody.

Food being served basically raw, people having fights, Karens.

Stuff like that. Now she lives out there. That was, until my mom broke Mrs. Watersons arm.

Its all over the news, "crazed woman attacks a mother of 3." Anytime I even turn on the TV to the news channel, they're either talking about it or they're showing pictures of what witnesses said who she was.

My mom got so infuriated with me, she almost broke my skull.

Anyways.. Aunt Mary saw what happened on the news and she immediately flew over and the first thing she did when she got off the plane was come straight to my house and take me.

Didn't tell anyone she was coming or taking me. She just came up to the door, texted me to come out side, and she said to get in the car. I didn't even have my shoes on when she grabbed my hand and took me.

"And the motha broke her arm! Jackson are you deaf?! Listen, I gotta go, I have a kid here." Auntie Mary told, "what do you mean which kid? My sisters kid!"


"Jackson, go get some coffee and stop drinkin' so early in the mornin'- Wh- because it's bad for ya! No, no, I didn't say you can't stop drinkin' I said stop drinkin' in the morn- fuck you too Jackson."

Auntie then hung up the phone and put it in her pocket. She went over to me and say on the couch next to me,

"listen 8,"

She started, "I don't know what ya motha is goin' through right now, but the way people said she attacked that woman is enough for me to keep ya for a bit. Until she calms down."

She sighed, "she loves you so much 8... you're her only baby..."

Yeah, she loves me alright. She loves hurting me. I'm her baby in public but whenever were not though, it's all a lie.

"Ever since your brother..--"

"What about a brother?!" I yelled out cutting her off mid sentence.

"Yeah? You have 2 siblings." She said before correcting herself, "you had 2 siblings.. "


"Wait, you don't remember your brother?" She asked, "you two were like this, you never left each other's side, you guys did everything together." She chuckled softly, "you even went as far as to taking a bath together one time."

"No... I'm.. Just hearing about this now..."

"Surely you remember ya sista right?" She said grabbing my arm and sitting me back down, "she would watch that show with the uhh pink elephant or a horse..? Uhh... "

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