The Casting Thingy: Actors Not Named

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Actors Not Named
December 2, 2013 Los Angeles, CA

From the Casting Thingy General Files: Looking for Name Actors Only.

I feel sorry for those poor actors whose parents forgot to name them. That must be a difficult life. A blank Driver's License where the name should be. Not being able to use a nameless credit card. Getting married and having whoever is marrying them say: Do you (pointing to them), take this person...

I often wonder how Nameless Actors even got onto the Casting Thingies in the first place. How do they fill in for their names online without one?

I think there should be laws enforcing parents to name their children. I don't know...maybe with some sort of slip of paper that comes after they give birth that forces you to name your child.

You never know. They might choose to be in the entertainment industry and end up sobbing every time they see a part they could audition for but unfortunately there is no name on their head shots or resumes.

Or I could be wrong. Maybe The Casting Thingies means Looking for Actors who have name recognition.

Then my bad.

You just suck for not giving unknown actors a chance to audition.

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