The Casting Thingy: Must Be Uppity.

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Must Be Uppity.
September 3, 2013 Los Angeles, CA

From the Casting Thingy. I'm quoting the whole thing: Uppity Woman For A Co-Star in a Webisode
Copy/Credit | Role: Ms. Lawrence | Role type: Co-Star | Gender: Female | Age: 40-60 | Ethnicity: African American

She is the uppity woman from 'the hills' taking pride in herself on knowing everyone in the area and holds a certain prestige in her community. Although a little snooty, she is originally from the hood, and can snap on someone in a second when need be. But this woman is someone you want to know if you want to make in this town, L.A.

My Translation: She is an "uppity black woman" because she actually made it to the "The Hills" from the "The Hood." Her hard work and inevitable prestige is only good to anyone who wants to use her to make it in Los Angeles not on their own. Think Oprah meets everything wrong about latching your coattails onto someone with more "Prestige" than you in this town, L.A.

Did we mention she's "Uppity"? We did in the title? Let's mention that a second time. Hope you didn't wince, African American Women between the ages of 40-60, because "Uppity" sure does not have any historical connotations that your particular age range might be familiar with. None at all.

No pay, but we will feed you and give you a copy of you being uppity on video. Please don't *really* be uppity.

Please be closer to "I'm driving to set on my gas money not getting paid and desperate for reel at 40-60 hoping someone with prestige on set is someone I wish to know to make it in this town, L.A."

Where do I sign up? Where does someone Uppity like me submit?

But first...Someone kill me.

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