Chapter 4: Guilt

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You watched as they we taking your cousins body away to prepare for the autopsy. If you were being honest, you just wanted to go home. "Hey Y/N!". You look up and see Jimin. He was walking towards you and kneels down to your height since you were sitting down. " They offered for us to watch the autopsy. But I figure that you just want to go home.", he says to you in a calming tone. You nod in agreement. " Then I'll take you home."He says.

The car ride was silent... You looked out the window, sad. "Hey", Jimin calls out. You turn to look at him. " If you want, I can crash at your place. I'm worried about you. I know you have Jungkook, but still."
You smile a bit. " I think I would like that."

Jungkook POV

I sat on the couch, frozen in shock. I couldn't process what I just read. I sat there for a while thinking about everything, when Tokyo jumped up on me. I got up from the couch, and headed towards the balcony to get some fresh air. I looked out and saw the city view

 I looked out and saw the city view

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I can't believe what I did. I felt really guilty, but good at the same time. I sighed. I was literally going crazy. I was a psychopath. I really needed to stop this. But I couldn't. It was the only way to satisfy my anger. I had to find a way to make sure no one knows that I was the one who killed the 5 victims this week. One of them being Eun-Chae. But most importantly I couldn't let Y/N find out. She would leave me and then I would do worse then I already am. I decided to go back inside because it was beginning to rain. When I walked inside, I met eyes with the love of my life...Y/N. She was crying. I was going to go comfort her, but then I noticed some one else. Jimin... I felt my blood boil as I balled my fists. " What is HE doing here?", I ask while gritting my teeth. Y/N looks at me with sadness. "He is going to stay here tonight. To protect us." I nod my head in agreement. " Okay then."
We sat down on the couch. I decided to get up to give Y/N and Jimin some cake. "Where are you going?" I heard a faint voice. I turned around and it was Y/N. Her facial expression broke my heart. " I'll be right back, okay?", I say. She nodded her head and her attention went back to the tv. When I came back to the living room with cake in my hands, I passed it to Y/N and Jimin, and sat down with my own. "Thank you", they said in sync. "Your welcome", I reply, and dig into my cake. " So Jungkook....." Jimin says. I turn my attention to him, with a mouthful of cake. " Did you hear about the murder. It's been the 4th this week." He says. I immediately choked on my cake.       "Yah! Are you okay?!!" Shouts the concerned Y/N. She had tears dripping down her face. "Yes I'm fine"I say not making eye contact with her. " So anyways...." continues Jimin, " You know Eunchae?" I looked at him. I balled up my fists in anger. Y/N was right there! How could he bring up her dead cousin like this!?!! I turn to him and question him with an attitude, "why do you care".  Jimin tilts his head and says "She is gone Jungkook".


You walked into your bedroom, to see jk on your shared bed looking up at the ceiling. " Are you okay?", You ask, getting into bed. He turned to look at you. "Ne.... are you okay?" You looked down and began playing with your fingers to stop yourself from crying. "Hey..... I know loosing your cousin is a lot to take in... but I'm still here...don't be sad." Suddenly you realized you can't be sad. You wanted to replace it with anger.... " I didn't loose my cousin Jk. She was murdered. Whoever killed her deserves to be punished! This murderer is killing innocent people and devastating others making them scared to even go outside." You say with anger. You look up to JK and to your surprise he looked a little take aback by your words. Almost with some sort of guilt. But you didn't care. "Goodnight" You say turning off your lights and lying down with your back facing him. You felt movement behind you, and then a hand being wrapped around your waist, pulling you into its embrace. "I love you" Jungkook whispers in your ear. You overlap your hand with his intertwining them. " I love you too.....JK" You said, drifting off to sleep.

End Chapter 4
Thx for reading

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