Chapter 3: Realization

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DISCLAIMER:I'm gonna start making these chapters longer than before


You were examining Eun-chae's body, with tears rolling down your face. You couldn't help yourself. You felt like your world was slowly falling apart. You loved your cousin, as she was like a sister to you. While examining you saw about 21 stab wounds, 16 scratch marks along her neck and arms, and indents in her wrists, meaning that she was probably tied. You couldn't imagine the pain she must have went through. She looked horrible and tortured. You began treating her wounds by disinfecting them first. They were really deep, so you had to stitch them after disinfecting them. It was heartbreaking. When you finished stitching her wounds, you starting putting ointment on the scratch marks. You then checked her heart monitor, and it started beeping really fast, indicating something was wrong. You called for backup, and as the came in, you began giving CPR. "Please....don't leave me...." you thought. After a while of doing CPR, her monitor went from beeping really fast, to a straight line. Your heart broke into a million pieces. Your cousin was gone. You instantly broke down into tears. The nurses had to drag you out of the room as you refused to go. "Hey sweetie it okay", a calm female voice said. You looked up and saw your Aunt and Uncle. They were crying and looked devastated.

Jimin POV

I was at my desk, reading about the recent murder cases. Apparently there had been 4 this week. Each case seemed so strange. They all seemed connected, but I just couldn't wrap my finger around it. I was in the middle of reading the Lee Mi-sung Murder case when my phone rang.

"Hey Jimin. We just got a call about a possible murder attempt . We
Have arrived at the scene but we need you here to come check it out."

"Oh okay..... Thanks Yoongi Hyung"

I hung up the phone, grabbed my brief case, and went to my car.
When I arrived to the scene, it was very crazy. People were everywhere. I squeezed through the crowd of people and when I reached the paramedics, the police, and yoongi hyung, my heart dropped at the sight of the victim. It was Eun-chae... Y/N will be so upset. They were so close. I was close to Eun-Chae too. She was always to kind and innocent. What did she do to deserve this? I went up to Yoongi and began asking questions. " What happened?"
"I don't know. Apparently she has a couple stab wounds. But she was alive when we found; she still is, just unconscious. But we don't think she'll make it." Yoongi says with sadness. " Since your chief you should take a look at the crime scene. There isn't much to get information from. We do believe that she was dumped in this dark alley way, after being hurt." I nod in agreement, "okay".....
After they clean up the scene and take Eun-Chae to the hospital, I decided to head over to see if there is any knews
On the victim. I head in the hospital and ask where Eun-Chae was. I walked over to the room, and hear faint sobbing. As I got closer, I realized it was Y/N's cries. I immediately ran up to her. "Y/N! Are you okay?" I ask in worry. She looks up at me. Her face is stained red of tears, and her eyes are puffy. It make me wanna cry. " E-eun- Chae is dead..." she says, sobbing mid sentence. I get down to her level and pull her in for a hug. She Responds to the hug burying her head in my chest. I end up
Shedding a few tears. " It's okay", I say as calmly and reassuring as possible, " She lived a good life".

Jungkook POV

I walked into my house that I shared with Y/N. I went to the convenience store nearby and got her a cake. I placed it down on our kitchen table and placed my shoes at the door. I decided to take a
shower since I am like covered in blood. Head to toe. Good thing Y/N still wasn't home. Although I missed her very much. After showering, I noticed Y/N wasn't home so I sent her a text.
"Hey Jagi❤️When are U coming home?"

She didn't respond. I got a little angry. But I controlled it. I decided to watch TV to take my mind off her. As soon as I sat down on the couch our dog Tokyo came up on the couch "Hi Tokyo!" I said. I turned on the TV and to my surprise it was the news, titled.....
I smirked. That easy huh.... Did I kill 5 people this week? ..... Yes.... Do I feel bad? no. Not at all..... I looked back at the tv and change the channel. Another news channel. I was smiling really big. I felt good. Satisfied. I looked at the tv and saw something that easily made me regret smiling.
Jung Eun-Chae killed in Seoul this evening
It can't be her..... how was I so stupid!!! How did I not recognize her!!!!! I felt so guilty. I have just realized that I killed my Girlfriends cousin.......

End chapter 3
Thx for reading

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