Who Are You? - Red's POV

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Who the hell was that guy?! What the hell was he doin'?! Impersonatin' me?! 


The bastard is such a creep. When someone asks who ya are you answer them, god dammit! Instead he just ran away! How f*cking rude! 

This whole place is f*cking crazy! Everyone either stares at me or runs. Them runnin' don't bother me that much, I mean, Its a nice change, but staring?! How damn rude is that?

And that creepy blue impersonator of mine? Well...

I honestly can't get him out of my damn mind. It's driving me f*cking crazy. Though... He was a cutie-

NO. NO NO NO NO. I am not fallin' for that bastard. "I ain't falling for nobody, ever!"

Oops. I said that out loud didn't I? God dammit. Their all starin' again now!

"Hey! F*ck off!!!" They all quickly turn away thank god. At least they didn't run like...


I can't get that freak outta my mind! I gotta get home or Boss'll skin me alive.

I can hear the squishin' sound of snow under my feet. It really pisses me off. Everything pisses me off. Including that-


That freak is stuck in my head!? What the hell!

"SANS." I look up to see boss' Angry face staring down at me. 


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