The walk back to the house was numb.

What Tim had said was getting to my brain, quick.

I wasn't sure if he threatened me or what. But it didn't sound nice at all.

Heartbroken and decieved?

Heartbroken and decieved...

I hadn't even realised that I had already reached the house and was standing on the front porch with my arms wrapped around myself.

The door suddenly swung open and I was face to face with the gang leader himself.

"Morning." He said, his eyes running over me from head to toe.

Ah, I'm in my pajamas and with no shoes at all, just already torn socks.

"Morning." I rasped out. I cleared my throat. "Morning." I repeated.

Chris raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything as he stepped onto the porch closing the door behind him. He was wearing black sweats and a black sleeveless shirt.

"Care to join me for a jog?" He asked and I inwardly groaned.

"I just came back from one." I pressed my lips together.

For some reason I felt like crying. I could feel the tears building in my eyes, the pain in my heart.

"It wouldn't hurt to go for another." He said, walking past me and down the stairs.

I turned around and to my surprise he was looking at me with his hands in his pockets.

"I need to speak to you anyway." He said, his eyes racking my whole body.

I shifted on my feet. "Sure. After I get shoes."

Chris nodded, scratching the tip of his nose with a long finger.

I went back into the house and grabbed my boots that sat behind the front door. I took a deep breath in before going back out.

I hope I'm not going to die today.

Chris was standing by the postbox, leaning against it, looking down at his phone.

When I reached him he looked up and put away his phone.

"Come on." He said, nodding down the street where I could see Tim jogging towards us.

My heart pounded as Tim stopped in front of us. He smiled broadly.

"Good morning, boss." He greeted then looked at me. "Morning, Rachel."

His smiled was so fake I swear my mums fake flowers became jealous.

"Bye, Tim." My eyes widened as those words left my mouth.


I decided to play along with my words and looked Tim straight in his eyes and walked past him, intentionally bumping into his shoulder.

"Was that friend zoning or blocking out?" I heard Chris ask, his voice showing amusement.

I continued walking down the street, my arms around myself.

"What was that?" Suddenly Chris popped up next to me.

"What was what?" I asked, not looking up.

I could feel his eyes on me. "You snapped at Tim."

I remained silent.

"Did he say or do something? If he did, tell me and I'll take care of it." He said, his voice laced with seriousness.

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