"Where did you go yesterday?" I asked Spencer when we walked into my apartment.

"We lost connection." He said, his brows furrowed deeply. "We couldn't pick up anything when you walked into that room."

"He's probably got it secured." I said, jumping on my suitcase and zipping it up.

"Hmm." Spencer hummed. "So you're leaving to live with them?"

"Do I have a choice?" I rolled my eyes and jumped off of the suitcase. "I haven't had one since the beginning of this all."

"It's for the good, you know that." Charles walked in, Charlotte behind him.

"I know." I sighed. "But I had to get a damned tattoo!"

"That must have been funny to see." Spencer snorted.

I threw a cushion at him. He dodged it and it hit Tanner instead, who just walked into the room.

He looked down at the cushion on the floor by his feet and frowned. "Are you ready, Lexa?"

"No." I groaned, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Perfect, let's go." Tanner walked out and I threw the back of his head a glare.

"Let's go, Rachel." Spencer teased, taking my suitcase.

"I'm telling your mum about you by the way." I shoved his shoulder with mine as I walked past him.

"No, not my mother!" Spencer ran after me.

I chuckled. My aunty is so hearing about his misbehaviour this week.


"Welcome!" Tim greeted me outside the bar.

"Hello." I groaned, dropping my suitcase on the ground.

Tim reached for it and dumped into his car.

"Let's go home."


Their home was an actual, cute little house in an elite part of town. Their house was a double story, with an attic window at the top.

Their was a baby blue fence around the well groomed yard. The house was painted baby blue too, with a little tree painted in white in between the first and second floor.

Tim pulled up in the driveway in front of the garage.

I got out and smiled at the house.

It was beautiful.

"Your glasses are askew!" Spencer hissed.

I adjusted my nerdy glasses and waited for Tim.

He got my suitcase out and turned to me.

"Do you like it?" He asked, smiling.

"Yes." I replied.

Tim smiled, walking over to the porch. He placed my suitcase down and fished through his black jeans pocket and took out a key.

He unlocked the front door and led me in.

I was amazed.

It was a normal house. A cozy, family home. Home.

It reminded me of my grandparents home. The wooden floor boards,  the light blue carpets lining it, the light blue walls. The picture frames on the walls, the living room cozy, the air smelt like cinnamon.

Just like grandma liked. Her cinnamon scented, incense sticks.

"Let me show you to your room." Tim glanced back at me.

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