"Come back tomorrow and you membership will be finalized." Tim said as we got out of the car

I nodded. "Perfect." I wanted to add that it was that easy to get in, but my mouth has a habit of jinxing things.

"See you tomorrow." Tim said, shaking my hand. "At seven in the night."

I nodded. "Got ya."

"Also, don't beat yourself up about that man." Tim said, turning to leave. "He wasn't innocent at all."

I watched him walk into the bar.

What did that mean? That man looked like a poor, homeless guy. What wrong could he have done except...okay maybe a few things. But that didn't mean he deserved to die in Tim's book. At least I didn't kill him. That burden would have been too much to carry.

And I cannot carry that burden.


I walked through the doors into an empty bar.

"Where's everyone?" Spencer asked.

I shrugged even though he couldn't see me doing it.

I looked around and walked towards the bar.

"Hello?" I called out as I looked over the bar counter.

I turned around and scanned the room.

"You're here!"

I jumped and turned around to see Tim looking at me with a look of amusement.

"Hi." I said, masking my surprise with an uninterested look.

"Follow me." Tim said, walking towards the same door that led upstairs.

"Today you are going to prove to the leader that you're supposed to be here." Tim said as we ascended the stairs.

We reached the top and it was empty.

The leader!

Tim turned to me. "Don't back chat. Don't show arrogance or attitude."

I nodded and Tim nodded towards a door.

I walked over and knocked.

"Come in." A man's voice came through.

I entered and closed the door behind me.

There stood a tall, built man by the window, his back facing me. He had jet black hair, as long as half his neck and I noticed a tattoo on his neck, but couldn't make out what it was.

I looked around the room. There was a mohagany desk in one corner with two arm chairs facing it.

In another corner was a shelf with books. A gurney was placed next to it with a metal table beside it. I noticed needles on the table and my heart jumped in fear.


I looked back at the man.

And I froze.

He had turned around, a phone in his hand.
He looked at me with beautiful blue eyes. He had a strong jaw, high cheekbones, and damn a good lookin face. And body.

He was wearing a black suit but without a tie, the button on his coat was left open and a few of his shirts buttons too.

I took a nervous breath in. "Yes."

He walked over to the desk and sat behind it. "Sit." He pointed towards an armchair.

I took a wobbly step forward and sat down in front of him. His perfume hit my nose and I immediately sneezed.

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