Nova Vita Academy ::14:: Soccer Tryouts

Start from the beginning

The group ran and ran, occasionally glancing at Sam who stood watching his timer. He hasn't told anyone if there was a time limit so most assumed he was just keeping time for everyone. They were wrong.

As the last guy finished his two miles he fell to the ground breathing deeply. Sokka was also lying flat on his back, but he had finished his two miles behind a group of guys who were behind Sora and Aang. He tried to beat Zuko but Zuko ended his right behind Roxas who remained behind Riku the entire time.

Sam stopped his watch and glanced around the group, "If you finished after that kid", He pointed to a guy in a bright red shirt with shaggy blonde hair, "Then you're cut. Thanks for trying out but you can leave now."

Everyone remained frozen for a moment as they digested this information. Slowly the guys who finished after him got up and began to leave. Some looked plain downcast while others grumbled under their breath. Luckily, Sokka who had finished last out of their little group of friends had finished one in front of the guy in the red shirt.

"We'll let's get started." Sam smiled and lifted up a soccer ball from the ground.

The rest of the tryouts wasn't as bad. They ran drills and mini games. Sora was actually starting to like his new coach. So were the other guys. Zuko ended up being moved to forward like Riku suggested though. It wasn't that Zuko was bad at goalie, but the kid in the red shirt ended up being extremely good. Almost like a Toph with eyes.

Tryouts ended, but Sam didn't cut anymore people. He had cut enough people in the beginning. Tomorrow would be a new day though.


The next day of tryouts started with another mile and stretching. Sam didn't time this mile though, he actually lead it. He ran the mile with everyone else following him. Afterwards they jumped into a game like situation. Sam split them into two groups to play so he could watch.

"Alright this side is shirts", Sam motioned toward the left where Sora, Aang, and Sokka stood with other guys, "And this side is skins."

Zuko, Riku, Roxas, and the other guys stripped off their shirts and tossed them aside (If this was a movie this would be the part where all the good looking guys end up shirtless ;D).

They went onto the field and began to play. Sam stood on the sidelines watching and making notes on who did what. For the most part everyone's mind was only on soccer, but there's always an exception. For example, two guys had thoughts on other things. The funny part is that those two guys were thinking about the same thing:


Zuko knew if he was ever going to get your attention like he wanted to he'd have to throw himself into the spotlight. What would be a better way? Roxas thought the same thing. In Roxas' mind he knew there was no way he could impress you in everyday life with guys like Zack and Axel around, but with soccer maybe he could. This was what Roxas was good at. Cloud was star quarterback, Ven was a star baseball player, and he was a soccer player. Riku being around made it hard to call himself a star, but he was catching up to the silver haired male, and with motivation like you he knew he'd pass Riku soon.

"Get some water guys!" Sam yelled as he reviewed over his clipboard. He was pretty positive on who was going to be on the team.

Roxas jogged up to the water cooler and poured water into a plastic cup. He gulped it down then moved out of the way so others could get water.

"You've gotten better Strife." Riku commented slapping Roxas on the back. Roxas jumped and nodded.

"Thanks Riku." He gave his friend a smile.

"What's your motivation?"

"Eh?" Roxas asked unconsciously tilting his head to the side some.

"Well I mean you never get so focused and dedicated on something without some inspiration. What is it this time?" Riku asked.

Roxas hesitated for a moment before answering, "[Name]."

Riku smirked, "I figured you liked her."


"Roxas, you blush all the time around her. She doesn't notice, but I have." Riku crossed his arms. Roxas sighed and nodded in understanding. Riku jogged off to where Sora was wildly waving him over. A deep chuckle made Roxas turn around.

"Coach?" Roxas asked as he saw Sam tuck the clipboard under his arm.

"Oh sorry." Sam shrugged, "I overheard what you were talking about and it seemed funny. A high school crush, how quaint."

Roxas frowned. The way he said it made Roxas a bit uneasy. Besides, how was any of this his business. All Roxas's thoughts of unease slipped away as Sam gave him a smile. Roxas returned the smile with a half smile of his own.

"Gather around!" Sam yelled tearing his gaze away from the blonde boy to the rest of the group. "Time to find out who made it."

Sam read through his list and went through the act of comforting all the guys who didn't make it.

Sora pumped his fist and gave Aang a high five. Sokka waved his arms and cheered in victory. Riku, Roxas, and Zuko also made the team.

"Be ready. We start practice next week." Sam smirked.

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