Field Day

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I spit the toothpaste out rinsing my mouth with water. I was up early so I could go holla' at Josh and see what the business is. I had to meet with my connect tonight and I needed to make sure Spank and Josh was straight.

After I handled business I was gonna go to this little field day Fancy was dragging me to. I swear she's the only woman alive next to my mother that could get in my head and make me do it all.

"Good morning handsome." Jasmine wrapped her arms around me making me smile. "Wassup?" "Nothing, you know my niece goes to the same school as your son. I was thinking since today is field day I can finally meet him." She smiled with hope in her eyes making me feel bad because I was finna shoot that hope right down. "Jas, we talked about this man." I shook my head going to the bedroom.

"We didn't talk about shit Tru! It was more of you pushing off the subject then when you came in late you didn't have much to say!" She got in my face making me push her back. "This is my son Jasmine. My son! I'm not finna put him in your face knowing we haven't been rocking for that long. Don't forget where I met you ma." She smacked her lips. "The strip club nigga, so what? I wasn't turning no tricks or on drugs like half them hoes! I'm ready to meet Tj and today is the day!" She folded her arms shifting her weight to one hip.

"The decision isn't entirely up to me, what me and Fancy got is good co-parenting and a lot of us men out here ain't got that. The last thing I need is for some petty shit to happen." She rolled her eyes. "As long as your lil' baby mama don't come for me then we're good. I just want to meet Tj." I laughed shaking my head. "See. You already going at this wrong, that's a woman I gotta deal with for the rest of my life and you already tryna step in on some shit." I slid on the Balenciaga shoes grabbing my keys. Women just couldn't fake it till they made it. I know Jasmine's attitude and Fancy wasn't gone go for what I put up with.

"Damn you'd think you're still fucking her the way you so offended." She stepped back looking me up and down. "Assume what you want, I don't know what niggas you use to but I ain't that. I haven't even said those three magical words to you yet but you want to meet my son?" She sat there quietly thinking about what I just said. "Exactly!" I shook my head before leaving out the door.

Tru did think the right thing to do was call it off with Jasmine but it always "slips" his mind. If we're being honest he only kept a girlfriend because he never knew what Fancy was on. He knew he was fucked up but he accepted that a long time ago. Jasmine's intentions were good but he knew her attitude towards Fancy was gonna get in the way. And if Jasmine made him choose she wasn't gonna like the out come.

"Where yo ass been man?" Josh asked tryna be funny. "Nawl nigga the real question is where you been? Spank been here doing all the work." "Sorting some shit out that's all. My baby mama tryna move my little girl to Memphis man." I shook my head. "You gone let her?" "Hell nawl, if we take that shit to court I'm win. We both know that."

I shook my head again not even able to imagine that. Wherever Tj went I was going. Matter of fact he wouldn't be going no damn where.

"Wassup with this shipment today man?" He asked as I went into my office. "It's all good, the shipment coming after me and Matteo have this meet tonight. Ion' know what he gone be on so y'all stay close." "Yeah we got you." Spank nodded his head. "Ight. I'm text y'all the location off the burners later tonight. Now I gotta go to this field day shit with Tj and Fancy."

"Fancy still bossing you around after all these years huh?" Josh said trying to be funny making me flip them off as they laughed.

This meeting with Matteo was important. I was basically moving all his weight for him cause them other niggas couldn't keep up. Matteo was cool but that motherfucker was a donut and a shot of Vodka away from being out of here and I wanted everything. He was heavily guarded and hard to touch and even if you were lucky enough to aim a gun to his head you'd be dead before it go off. His people were ride or die. That's why I needed this shit to look like an accident. I put my killing to the side once Tj turned five, he was getting nosy and asking little questions. Fancy didn't want me doing it for obvious reasons and I didn't want her or my son to leave.

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