Part 3

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Fancy hid in her room waiting for her bestfriend to come over so she could tell her what's been going. She shook, nervous from throwing up in the toilet. She had never experience a sickness like this and all she could think about was Tru being so careless countless times. Luckily her grandmother hadn't grown suspicious yet from her absents.

She heard a car door slam making her look out the window seeing Len getting dropped off by her mother. She wasted no time rushing downstairs but slowed down seeing her father. "Hi daddy, are you off today?" "No pumpkin, just coming by to grab my keys. I forgot them." He laughed making her nervously laugh to keep up. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, yeah fine." He looked at her trying to put his finger on it but Len was knocking at the door making him forget about it.

"Hey girl." Fancy said low and quiet rubbing her hands together. She slowly looked down at Len's bag seeing the CVS pregnancy test poking out. "Hey Mr. Low." Len stood on her tippy toes waving making it come out even more. "Hey baby. What y'all got up today?" He walked up making her smoothly shove it back down as she stood on the side of Len. "Nothing. Just girl talk and I probably braid her hair." Len ran her fingers through Fancy's curly hair. She always made sure her braid patterns were on point and her hair period.

"Okay well y'all have fun. It's some pizza in the oven." He grabbed his keys leaving.

"Damn Girl!" Fancy said snatching the box out of her bag. "What?" "While you were being friendly our friend here was waving at my dad!" She held up the box shaking it making them both laugh. "I'm sorry girl, you know the struggles I went through getting that? I had to send a homeless lady in there and the only way she'd do it for me is if I cornrow her hair." Fancy laughed walking back upstairs. "Well thank you. I've been sick all morning and thank God granny didn't think nothing of it. She's so tied in with the church festival she doesn't have time to worry about me."

"I know you glad especially with all this going on with you and Tru. Did y'all not have protected sex?" Fancy sadly shook her head taking a deep breath looking at the test. "Me and Elijah always wrap it up girl cause I know my mama would kill me if she even seen me pregnant." "Well me and Tru aren't you and Elijah okay? I was stupid now I have to do this." Len shook her head seeing how down and out she was about this. Truth be told she wasn't all the way protected either.

"It feels better without the condom Len." "I thought you said you loved me."

Those words were always coming out of Elijah's mouth. She did love him, well at least she thought so she caved almost every time. She just couldn't let her girl know she was out here like that. It was gonna be too embarrassing for her. "Now its a waiting game." Fancy shrugged flopping down on the bed letting her head fall in her hands as she quietly cried. She didn't know what that test was going to say and that was the scary part about this whole thing. She knew she was still so young and had a future ahead of herself. While a baby doesn't stop all of that it damn sure makes it harder.

She didn't even know how her grandmother or father would even react. Tru was pretty deep in the game at an early age and her father warned her to stay away from knuckle head boys like Tru. And she knew her grandmother was gonna have his back all the way. She didn't want to tell anyone, just keep it between her and Len for as long as she could.

Her and Len waited pacing the room for twenty minutes since it took that long for results. The timer went off making both of them jump.

"Oh my God!" Fancy placed her hand over her chest trying to catch her breath. She slowly got up feeling her legs become weak the closer and closer she got to the bathroom. "Oh, I'm gonna be sick." She shook her head running to the trash can that was in the corner. "Damn Fancy." Len scrunched her face up holding her hair back as she puked her brains out.

"I'm here with you girl, okay." She rubbed her back praying that she's never in this position. "I'm fine." Fancy stood up wiping her mouth before going to the bathroom looking over the sink at the test.

"Well.. what does it say?"

"I-I'm pregnant."


Fancy ran with tears in her eyes down the street with Len trying to keep up with her. "Fancy! Please wait!" Len said feeling all the wind being knocked out her chest. The only thing Fancy wanted to do was curse Tru for this baby he put inside of her. She was afraid and angry, angry that she even let anything like this happen in the first place.

She finally slowed down catching her breath looking at Tru posted up with his friends at the basketball court. She stared quietly with tears rushing out of her eyes seeing the hoes from school swarm him. He was laughing and carrying on with shit without a care in the world which made her upset. She pulled the pregnancy test out of her pocket shaking her head. "Fuck this." She jogged across the street approaching them.

"Tru we need to talk." He ignored her like she wasn't even there carrying on his conversation with the hoe of school; Kelsey. She was famous for getting whoever she wanted and it was disgusting that guys are even into her. "Tru!" She shouted making the girls look at her like she was some type of bug.

"I need to fucking talk to you and you got these bitches in your face?" She asked crying harder. "Fuck you! Okay!" She threw the pregnancy test at his face storming off. "Oooo shit!" Spank jumped back gasping. "Damn." Josh shook his head already knowing what it was about.

"Fancy! Wait!" Tru picked up the test not believing what he was seeing. "Fancy!" He grabbed her arm turning her around. "No! Go back to your bitches, we are just fine!" She took the test away from him about to walk off but he grabbed her. "How did this happen?" "See... man!" She rolled her eyes trying to get away but he was too strong. "I'm sorry, I'm just trying to register this. We got a baby." He lightly laughed shaking his head.

"We got a baby." He lifted her head up by her chin giving her a kiss instantly warming her heart.

Whewww chileee lol! Now I can finally get into the story. You'll find out how she told her father and Grandmother throughout this story through natural story telling. Now I can actually get into the fun part.


Excuse mistakes...

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