"N-No. I can't leave. You said it's not safe out there for me," my voice cracked because I could hardly speak. My safety wasn't my main concern, so I hate that I made it seem like I'm only bothered because I would no longer have his protection. But my vocabulary at the moment was limited.

He laughed, looking up at the high ceiling. "Now you're concerned with your safety? Now you want my protection? What happened to wanting to leave me?"

"I told you, I did that all when I first arrived. But I was never actually going to leave you," I argued while I got onto my feet.

"You want me to believe you? Do you think you're credible when your actions contradict your words? Regardless of whether you changed your mind, you stole from me! If I hadn't confronted you, I never would've known. You never had the intentions of telling me. Why can't you understand that if you had just come clean and told me the truth, this all could've been avoided. You kept that money and passport for months and you can't even fucking admit that it's because you wanted a backup plan," his cool was slowly unraveling. This argument wasn't going to go anywhere because as much as I can apologize, Jack is stubborn and wasn't looking for an apology. He was looking for a punching bag. "Everything with you was fake."

"I...I was going to tell you, Jack. I swear. Everything with you was real. My feelings for you are real," I approached him before placing my hands on his arms. "I love you. And I'm so fucking sorry that I hurt you and I promise if you just give me a second chance, I won't mess everything up. I can prove to you how real this all is," I looked up at him. His jaw clenched as he looked down at me and he took a deep breath. Something flickered in his eyes and I thought maybe he had changed his mind.

"I already told you, I don't give second chances. You are no exception," he kept his hands fo himself like touching me would do damage. "Go pack your things. Or you can bring nothing if you prefer. I don't care."

I stayed in place, tears coming down my face. I hoped that maybe he would change his mind, but he didn't. So I turned away and went to both our bedrooms to pack my things. I wasn't sure where I would be going, but I was under the impression that I wouldn't be coming back. I used two large suitcases to pack as many things as I could. I changed into jeans and a hoodie before carrying both the bags down the stairs. Before leaving, I rushed to the kitchen to leave a note for Belinda.

After that, I rolled my suitcases to the elevator where Jack was waiting for me. I was scared to even ask where I was going or what this meant. Mostly because he seemed bored. He looked like this was an annoying chore that he had to take care of. When we got to the underground parking lot both Kent and Davies were waiting at the SUV. For some reason, their presence made me feel more at ease. They loaded my bags into the car before Jack and I got into the back.

The sun had gone down completely which didn't help my anxiety. Were they driving me to the middle of no where? This knot was in my stomach and everything in me hurt. Jack sat right beside me, yet I've never felt so far away from him. None of my worry went away when we arrived at an airport. I thought I was going to throw up because I didn't want to get out of the car. But all three of them did which meant I had to.

"Where am I going?" I asked. When he said I would be leaving, I figured I would be living in another home in LA. But it's clear that I wouldn't be nearby.

"Out of the country," Jack responded and my skin went cold. My hands went over my chest which felt like it was closing. Everything was becoming extremely small. He's banishing me.

"Please, Jack. I'm sorry."

"Save your tears, I don't want to hear it. I'm done," he put his hand up to stop me from talking. "I want you as far away from me as possible."

"You don't mean that," I tried to convince myself more than him.

He leaned down to speak with me quietly. "I do. But don't ever forget the reason you have freedom is because of me and my mercy. If you are to remember any of my words, let it be this, you are mine. I will come collect what's mine when I deem necessary, so enjoy it while you can. I expect that you remain untouched and keep your legs fucking closed, because the moment I discover that you've let someone else have what's mine, I will make your life a living hell and I promise you, I will enjoy it," he spoke slow like he wanted me to fully comprehend everything. "You can take her away," he looked at both Kent and Davies before getting into the car.

The message was received loud and clear. He only cares for me if I choose to move on from him the same way he's doing with me. It almost makes me want to pursue someone else just so I can have his attention. But I know it's not the type of attention I'll want.

I forced the lump in my throat down when Kent put his hand on my lower back to lead me into the airport. I stopped walking and broke into tears that I couldn't control. It was never ending. This was all becoming surreal. Everything was happening too fast.

"Are you guys coming with me?" I turned to them. From the expressions on their face, I knew what the answer was. With a sigh, Davies pulled me into a hug that I've needed for the past few days. I held onto him and hid my head in his chest. "I'm so scared," I stuttered out.

"You'll be fine. You're not going far because he still wants to be able to keep an eye on you. He's sending you to Vancouver. It's one flight away. And Jack handled everything already. He took care of the condo you'll be staying at and set up a bank account for you to use while you figure everything out. He's not just leaving you to fend for yourself," he squeezed me tight while he explained. His words made me feel the slightest bit better, but they also confused me.

"He did?" The same man who told me he wants absolutely nothing to do with me is also the same man who has set up a new comfortable life for me?

"Jack loves you. Right now he's angry and he's hurt, but his love for you hasn't gone anywhere. He just needs time and space," he rubbed my back.

"How long?" I've never lived on my own before. I was being thrown into this new world.

"You know how stubborn that man is. He's not a forgiving man and you broke his trust, Selyse. You can't put a timeline on this." Any sort of timeline would make this a lot easier. I just needed hope that Jack could and would eventually forgive me. "Call me if you need anything. You're not alone. Everything is going to be okay," he did his best to reassure me. I'm not sure what time my flight was at, but Davies didn't seem concerned. He rocked me back and forced and squeezed me until I was the one to let go. Wiping my tears, I looked at Kent. His eyes were red and as soon as I let go of Davies, he pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry," I apologized. Everything I did was on both their watch. I was hoping Jack wouldn't blame them for anything I did because it wasn't their fault.

"It's alright. Everything will work out. Just stay strong," he kissed my cheek before letting go of me. I took a deep breath as I fanned my face. "We'll see you soon." That was better than goodbye and gave me hope.

"See you soon."

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