Two Christmas Celebrations

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It was almost the Christmas holidays. No more stress of homework. No more teachers nagging us. No more staying up late at night to finish some ridiculously long essay for a class that isn't even important. Finally free for two weeks. 

This year, like most years, me, James and Sirius are spending Christmas with James' parents. Peter is going home to spend the holidays with his parents and Remus is doing the same, which sucks, I really hoped that we would spend Christmas together like we always do. It is understandable though, Christmas is supposed to be a time for family, he should spend his Christmas with his parents, something he hasn't done in years.

"I have an idea." Remus says in an excited tone as he sits beside me on the couch, where I was catching up on some well deserved reading. 
"What's your idea?" I ask.
"You want to spend Christmas together right?" He asks. 
"Yeah?" I say questioningly.
"Why don't you come with me, come meet my parents." He suggests. 
"Are you sure, I wouldn't want to intrude on your Christmas celebrations." 
"Y/n, you wouldn't be intruding on anything, my family doesn't really go big when it comes to Christmas, just a tree, some presents and a big meal." Remus says. "Plus, they're dying to meet you. What do you say?" 
"Sure," I say happily. "Seems like a great idea. You'll have to tell James and Sirius though, they are looking forward to driving me crazy all holidays." Remus chuckles and kisses me.
"I knew you'd agree." 


"You're spending Christmas with Remus and his family?" Sirius asks as James stands beside him, both boys looking quite upset. 
"Yeah, I am." I say cautiously.
"Really?" Sirius says, clearly refusing to believe me. "But we've always spend Christmas together."
"I know," I say. "It's just, Remus wants me to meet his parents and now just seems like the best time to do it. Do either of you have a problem with this?"
"Yes, we do have a problem with that." James says. "Y/n, we've not spent one Christmas apart since we met, I'll really miss you."
"I'll miss you guys too," I say honestly, as much as the boys drive me crazy I do actually love them and it does kinda hurt me that we wont be spending Christmas together but this is just what life is like, things change, people grow, nothing ever remains the same and sometimes you just have to deal with it. "How about halfway through the holidays, just after Christmas, me and Remus join you both at James' house and we spend the rest of the holidays together." I suggest.
"But it wont be Christmas without you." James whines.

"Here's an idea," I say after a moment of thought. "We celebrate Christmas but don't open any presents from each other, then when me and Remus arrive we have our own mini Christmas."
"That's actually a really good idea." James says but Sirius is still pouting.
"Sirius, what's wrong?" I ask.
"I'll miss you." He says and gives me a hug. 


The train ride back to Kings Cross was long and painful, as usual, but I'm used to it by now. Sirius was practically refusing to even look at me or Remus, he was still in a mood because he wont see me on Christmas. He is such a child. I love him. 

We finally arrive at the station, I couldn't wait to get out of this cramped compartment and stretch my legs. To avoid the rush of people exiting the train we wait in our compartment for most people to leave so that the train isn't cramped and we are much less likely to lose each other that way. 
"Can you all leave?" Sirius asks. "I need to talk to Y/n." I look at him suspiciously but nobody question him. The boys leave the compartment, leaving me and Sirius alone. Sirius was sitting across from me but moved so that he was seated next to me.

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