A bright Idea and Quidditch Try-outs

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The first class we had was transfiguration with McGonagall. As always, we waited outside for her to arrive and let us in the class. Thankfully she didn't take too long. I sat down next to Remus, James and Sirius sat together and Peter sat with Frank Longbottom.

The class began with McGonagall turning into her animagus form, a cat. I notice James and Sirius whispering about something. Sirius turns around to face me and mouths We have an idea, we'll talk to you about it later. 

"Mr Black, what is so important that you feel the need to discuss it during my lesson?" McGonagall's stern voice says and Sirius turns back around to face her. 
"Nothing Professor." He says innocently. McGonagall shakes her head lightly, sighs and continues the lesson. The lesson was quite boring, we were just going over what we were doing this year.
After the lesson Sirius approaches me. "We need to become animagi." He says and I give him a confused look. 
"And why is that?" I ask as James appears beside Sirius. 
"To help Remus of course." James says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"You think it would work?" I ask as we begin heading to our next class, which was potions. 
"Well he cant be around humans, maybe he can be around animals." Sirius says.
"Plus even if it doesn't help him, its pretty cool." James says. "I wonder what animal I'd be."
"What you three talking about?" Remus says appearing from behind us, Peter by his side.
"Stuff." Sirius says, totally not suspiciously. Remus gives him a confused look but doesn't question him further.

We head to potions, me and James discussing the upcoming quidditch try-outs. There were two spots on the team, both chasers(And yes, James is going to be a chaser, because that's what he was in the books. The movies can suck my dick.) and me and James were both hoping to get on the team. According to the boys, I was a very good flyer when we had lessons in first year, but I'm still really nervous.

"Y/n, you'll do great." Remus assures me. "I bet you'll make the team."
"And if you don't, I'll bring you lots of ice cream." Sirius says.
"Even if I do get on the team can I still have the ice cream?" I ask. 
"I guess so." Sirius says with a smirk. He knows how much I love ice cream. 


It's the day of try-outs and I'm freaking out. What if I fall off my broom and make a total fool of myself? 
"Deep breaths Y/n." Lily reminds me for what feels like the millionth time. "You'll do great. I'll be there watching and cheering on." 
"Great, so if I do make a fool of myself you get to see." 
"You wont make a fool of yourself." Alice insists.
"And if you do I promise I will only tease you a little bit." Marlene says.


I was standing beside James and a few other Gryffindors who also wanted to be on the team. The team captain was giving us a lecture on how great we have to be if we wanted to be on the team, and it was not helping my nerves one bit. 
"All you have to do is score points against our goalie, simple." He says and calls up one at a time to attempt to score. 

"James, you're up." He calls and James quickly mounts his broom and flies up to where he was supposed to be. He was chucked the quaffle, which he caught easily, and began throwing at the goal. James never missed. He was amazing. After a few goals, the captain praised James. James, who had a huge grin on his face, landed next to me. 
"You'll do great, don't worry, it's easy." James assures me, which doesn't work one bit but its the thought that counts, right?

"Y/n, you're next." The captain calls to me and I mount my broom.
"Good luck!" James yells. I fly up. I can hear the cheers of Remus, Sirius, Peter and Lily. Even James is cheering me on from the ground. I can do this, I think to myself as the quaffle is thrown towards me. I catch it easily. I guess this isn't as difficult as I thought. I zoom around the pitch, closer to the goal, fake left and score. I can hear my friends cheering for me as I continue my trial.

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