Summer time

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Warning: Blood (Just in case you don't like that shit) after the ()()()()()

We've been home a week and mum has been constantly telling me and Sirius that we should "Be more like Regulus" and I'm fed up of it.
Me and Sirius have taken it upon ourselves to place a bunch of Gryffindor themed decorations all around our shared room and when mum saw it she flipped. She's slowly get more and more cold towards me and Sirius. Sometimes she acts like we don't even exist, so me and Sirius do as much as possible to piss her off until she snaps, its quite fun actually, the only thing worth staying in this hellhole for.


This time we took it too far. We used a permanent marker, charmed so that its actually permanent and even magic cant remove it, and draw a moustache on one of the portraits hanging on the wall.
"YOU LITTLE SHITS!" Mum yells at us as she speed walks toward us, wand raised. "DO YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?!"

()()()()()(Blood mention after here)

"Yeah." Me and Sirius say simultaneously. We instantly regret our reply and she waves her wand and I feel a sharp, stinging pain in my back. I feel the warmth of my blood dripping down my back. I can feel the tears forming in my eyes as I look at the angry woman in front of me with disgust. How is someone capable of hurting their own children.

I can feel the blood soaking through my shirt. I really like this shirt and it's white, so the blood is never going to wash out. I glare at my mum one last time, refusing to allow the tears to fall, before storming up the stairs, Sirius following closely behind.

"That bitch!" Sirius screams as we enter our room. I sit down on my bed and finally allow the tears to leave my eyes. "Are you ok?" Sirius asks me.
"I'm fine, you?"
"I'll be ok." He assures me. I get off my bed and lean down, wincing in pain, to look under my bed for the first-aid kit I had stored under there.

"Shirt off." I say to Sirius as I find it.
"Wow, at least take me on a date first." He jokes and I narrow my eyes at him. "Ok, not the time for jokes." He says and takes his shirt off and sits on the bed. I take one of the healing potions and put a few drops into Sirius' wound, causing him to wince slightly. I grab some tissues and attempt to wipe the blood away. Most of it washes away but some of it had already dried up.
"Ok, your turn." Sirius says and face away from him, lifting the back of my shirt, showing the wound. Sirius repeats what I did then we both sit quietly for a few moments before Sirius stands up.

()()()()()(Blood mention over.)

"I'm going to write to James, we need to get out of here." He says and lightly kisses my head. He walks to the other side of the room, his side of the room, and pulls out a piece of parchment, some ink and a quill. He begins writing and I lie down on my bed, lying on my side, facing the wall. I don't know when or how, but I fall asleep.

I wake up to Sirius gently shaking me. I look up at him.
"What?" I ask groggily.
"James replied quickly. You need to get packed, he's coming to pick us up soon." He says quietly. I nod and sit up.
"How long was I asleep for?" I ask with a yawn.
"A few hours." Sirius says. "You feeling any better?"
"A bit. You?"
"Yeah, hardly feel it anymore. What was that stuff anyway?" He asks as he sits next to me and puts his arm around my shoulder.

"I don't know. Nicked it from mum a while back, read the instructions on the back and thought it might be useful to have handy." I say. "Now get off me, I need to pack." I push his arm off me.


After I finish packing, me and Sirius grab our trunks and drag them out of our room. We run into Regulus as we leave our room.
"Where do you two think you're going?" He asks.
"None of your business." Sirius says.
"What happened?" He asks looking at me.
"Nothing." Me and Sirius lie at the same time.
"Just leaving." I say.
"Where you going?"
"Why are you asking so many questions?" Sirius asks, glaring at Regulus. "Gonna rat us out to mum?" Regulus doesn't respond.

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