Yet Another Summer

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Another year had come and passed by quickly and before I knew it, it was the final day at Hogwarts. As usual, exams were stressful but I survived and had hopefully done well.

I was sitting at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall with James, Sirius, Peter, Lily, Alice, Marlene and Remus. It was breakfast time but I wasn't hungry, how could I eat knowing that we were soon coming into our final year at Hogwarts. 
"Y/n, sweetheart, you need to eat something." Remus whispers to me. 
"I'm not hungry." I mutter and he gives me a concerned look. 
"You've got to eat." He says and gives me puppy dog eyes. I try not to look at him, he always knew exactly what to do to get his way. I sigh and take a bite of some toast I had already buttered. 
"Happy now?" I ask sarcastically.
"A little." He says before playfully kissing me on the nose, earning multiple "eww's" and gagging noises from our friends. They are all very mature. 

As usual, the owl post arrives around midway during breakfast. I watch as the owls fly around the room, looking for the person they needed to deliver a letter to. To my surprise an owl stops in front of me. I take the letter off the owl and it's addressed to me and Sirius. I go into my bag and pull out some owl treats to give to the bird.
"Y/n, why do you have owl treats in your bag?" James asks.
"Emergencies." I say without looking at James as I open the envelope. In the envelope there is a key and a note. I look at the key curiously and read over the note.

Dear Sirius and Y/n,
Your mother has told me about you both leaving home. You are family and I worry about you so I'm giving you this key to my vault, its number 711. Please spend the money wisely and I hope you both are ok. 
Uncle Alphard. 

I take another look at the key. I hand Sirius the note.
"Read this." I say feeling unable to contain my smile. Sirius sceptically takes the note and reads over it. His eyes light up slightly as he reads it and I can see him smile. I show him the key, which he inspects before handing it back to me.
"You'll probably do a better job at keeping it safe." He says. 

"Who was the letter from?" James asks. 
"Our uncle." Sirius answers. 
"Is this a family member you two actually get along with?" He asks and we both nod our heads. Sirius hands James the letter and he reads over it. 
"Now we probably wont need to live with you mate." Sirius says and James' smile drops slightly. 
"Really?" He asks sounding a little less enthused than usual. "You want to get your own place?" 
"James, your parents are lovely," I say. "They've treated us better than our own parents ever did but we cant stay with them forever. We'll still come visit."
"We promise." Me and Sirius say simultaneously. 


Me and Sirius had bought a small two bedroom apartment in London. It was amazing being on our own for once, we finally felt free. We had bought the apartment though we hadn't really got round to decorating yet and there were still a bunch of boxes everywhere. Our apartment had a muggle telephone, which I couldn't figure out how to use at all, I'll just ask Remus when he comes to visit. I miss him even though its only been two weeks since we last saw each other. James has already been round to visit almost everyday since we moved in here.

Today I plan on going furniture shopping for the living room, I'm considering getting a sofa bed so that James can stay the night if he wants to. I head to the local furniture store and pick out a bunch of stuff that I like. Me and Sirius agreed on a red colour scheme, which was mostly Sirius' idea but I didn't mind. 
I thankfully found most of the stuff that we'd need. I also found a really nice looking red sofa bed. I was getting most of the larger items delivered to the apartment because there was no way I was going to get them back to the apartment by myself. I took all the stuff I could carry and walked back to my apartment.

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