A Date and a Quidditch Game

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"Hey," Remus says from behind me while I study in the library. I look away from the book I was reading and smile at him. He kisses me on the cheek and sits next to me. "There's a Hogsmeade trip coming up."
"Is this your way of asking me on a date?" I ask.
"Yeah." He says, blushing slightly. 
"I'd love to go on a date with you." I say laughing slightly. "You absolute dork."
"Your dork though." 
"Always my dork." I smile. 


I couldn't wait for the Hogsmeade trip. Finally getting some time alone with Remus. We've both been quite busy lately and haven't had any time alone. Remus has had prefect duties and I've had quidditch practise, and we've both had lots of homework, which has been a total pain, I'm totally dreading the OWL's that we have to take at the end of the year. 

Lily has already made me plan what I'm going to wear on the date even though I've told her multiple times that it doesn't matter what I wear. She's also decided that she's doing my hair and make-up, which I am not looking forward to. I don't ever care about my looks, I don't think I've ever put make-up near my face. I don't understand why having a date should change that. 


"Y/n, sit still." Lily says as she tries to curl my eyelashes. 
"Get that thing away from me." I say as she brings the eyelash curler closer to my face. "It looks like a torture device." 
"It'll make you look pretty though." She says. 
"I'm fine with how I normally look. It's effortless beauty, ok maybe not beauty, but its effortless." 

"Y/n, just let me do your make-up." Lily begs. 
"Fine, just not too much and that device doesn't come near me ever again."
"Fine." She sighs.
"You promise."
"I promise."

And Lily did keep her promise. She kept the make-up light and natural and the eyelash curler stayed in Lily's make-up bag. She also offered to do my hair but I was just planning on doing it the same way I usually do. She lets me sort my hair and then get changed. 

"Oh, you look amazing." Lily says. I was wearing a pair of black ripped-knee skinny jeans, a cute shirt with a nice jacket on top of it with a pair of black converse. 
"Thanks." I say as I look at myself in the mirror. I do look quite nice. "I'm heading down for breakfast now." I say but Lily stops me. 
"I brought food up here." She says. 

"It's bad luck if Remus sees your outfit before the date." She says and I give her a weird look.
"Lily, isn't that weddings?" 
"Shut up, its pretty much the same thing." She says and hands me some toast. 
"It's really not." I say. I shake my head at Lily, such a strange human yet I wouldn't change her for the world.


"Oh wow." Remus says as I walk down the stairs and into the common room. "You look wonderful." 
"You look nice too." I say. Remus was wearing an outfit that he would normally wear. Some denim jeans and a knitted sweater. 
"I look the same as I usually do." He says. 
"Well, you look nice all the time." He laughs and puts an arm around my waist. 

"Lets go." He says and we exit the common room and head down to where the carriages were waiting.

"Are you wearing make-up?" He asks, closely staring at my face.
"Lily made me." I say and Remus laughs. 
"It looks nice but I prefer you without make-up."
"I prefer me without make-up too." 
"Then why did you let Lily put it on you?" Remus says and I shrug. The carriages begin to move and we begin the journey to Hogsmeade.
"She just looked so excited and happy." Remus shakes his head and laughs slightly. 

The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now