A Long Train Ride

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My name is Y/N Black. I'm 11 years old and today is the day that I board the train to Hogwarts. I've been longing for this day ever since I was a young child and my parents would tell me stories of their time at Hogwarts. My family are dropping me and my twin brother, Sirius, off at the platform. Me and Sirius run through the wall together and are instantly awed by how amazing everything looks. Our parents and younger brother, Regulus, follow behind. We say our goodbyes and me and Sirius head onto the train to find a compartment.

We find an empty compartment and sit down on either side so we are facing eachother. We are both super excited and talk for a little while before we hear a knock on our compartment door.

"Umm hey," a boy with dark hair and glasses stands there. "Do you guys mind if I sit here?"
"Sure, of course you can." Sirius says cheerfully to the boy. The boy then sits down next to Sirius.
"My name is James. James Potter." 
"My name's Sirius Black and this is my sister Y/N" Sirius says as I wave at James. 
"Nice to meet you." I say politely as I smile at him.

"Nice to meet you too," he replies. "So what house do you guys think you'll be in? I hope i'm in Gryffindor."

Before we have a chance to reply we hear another knock on the door and two boys step in. One of them is quite tall and has fluffy sand-brown hair, he is covered in scars and I'm quite curious as to how he got them. The other boy was short and plump and had darker brown hair.

"I'm sorry, everywhere is full." The taller boy says shyly. "Do you mind if we sit here?" 
"Of course we don't mind," I say and James and Sirius nod in agreement. "Take a seat."

Both boys smile kindly at us. I slide a bit closer to the window and both boys sit on the seat beside me.

"My name is Remus Lupin." The boy closest to me says
"And my names Peter Pettigrew."

Me, Sirius and James introduce ourselves. The boys start to talk but I'm not very interested in whatever nonsense they were talking about and pull a book out of my bag, which was sitting at my feet, and begin reading. I was a few pages in when I notice Remus was staring at me. I turn to look at him and give him a questioning look.

"Sorry, I just noticed you mouth the words of the book while you're reading and found it quite fascinating to watch." He explains quietly so he doesn't interrupt whatever conversation the others were having.

"Oh, shit. I do?" I ask.

He laughs quietly as I turn red. I never realised that I did that.

I put my book back in my bag after placing the bookmark inbetween the pages (because i dont fold the page like some insane people) and talk with Remus. We both enjoy reading so we were discussing books we have read. He asked about the book I was reading.

"Oh that, Its one of my favourite muggle books, Alice in Wonderland." I say.
"I've never read it before. It sounds really good."
"You can borrow it when I'm done if you would like."
"Yeah, that'd be nice." Remus says with a kind smile.

"Can I ask you something?"
"Sure, anything."
"How did you get those scars?"
"Oh, uh, these? I was attacked by a dog when i was younger."

"Oh, ok." He was clearly lying. Those cuts couldn't have been from when he was younger, they looked too fresh and red. Some were clearly older than others but I still couldn't figure out what it was that he was hiding from me. It was perfectly fine for him to keep secrets, we just met, but I was worried about him. I guess he just didn't want to talk about it.

"Want some chocolate?" I ask in a way to change the subject. His eyes lit up as I said this.
"Yes please, that would be excellent."

I give him some chocolate out of my bag and we talk the whole train ride and occasionally join in with whatever Peter, James and Sirius were talking about. Eventually we return to the conversation about what house we want to be in.

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