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Inside the lab in radiant garden, ienzo was explained something to Mickey and Riku about the replica program, but unfortunately, the answer they got was one the didn't want to hear.

Mickey: "What?! We're too late?" He Said as Riku was shocked to hear this.

Ienzo: "yes, Even would know all about the replicas from his time as vexen in the organisation. He was re-completed like the rest of us, but he didn't regain consciousness. After Lee left, he must have woken and taken his leave. Aeleus here and dilan went out and turned the whole town upside down to try and find him, but no even." He Said as aeleus shook his head confirming it.

Mickey: "that's not good." He Said looking down.

Riku: "what about his research?"

Ienzo: "unfortunately, his work on the replicas was incomplete. there may still be documents around, but all of them from well before he made any significant progress." He said looking at his computer before looking back to the two.

Mickey: "do you have any idea where he might go?"

Ienzo: "there's no place that he could go now that he's human, he has no means of leaving this world." He Said making them think.

Mickey: "the dark corridors..."

Ienzo: "are beyond his faculties and mine now." He Said as they think before Riku realised something.

Riku: "But not everyone's, what if even was taken?"

Mickey: "of course! The organisation could also use the replicas!"

Riku: "to fill out their ranks." They said adding it all up as ienzo and aeleus look to each other.

Mickey: "we'd better go tell master yen-sid. And sora, Trf, and the others too!" He Said as Riku nods.


In a desert plain where nothing was about, were large pillars made out of rock, and two people stood on them, one having a hood over his head and another with blue hair who was only known as Saix, a friend Trf met while he was with roxas's group before the heartless came in and attacked. Saix is now an Organisation member to Trf's group, unknowingly as the rest knew already.

Saix: "humanity is a precious gift, and yet you desire to return to the organisation?" He Said looking to the hooded figure.

???: "oh yes... of course. One eradication at axel's hands was enough to learn where not to place my trust." He Said looking to Saix.

Saix: "he gave you a second lease on life."

???: "he ripped me away from the one thing I care about, I don't require humanity, give me my research. I must see it to fruition, no matter the cost."

Saix: "the replicas."

???: "yes! *laughs evilly* soon they will replace, not just replicate. Given a heart, they can become just as real as any human."

Saix: "What excellent tidings. I would hate to think we invited you back into our ranks only for you to fail to deliver our final vessel... vexen." He Said as vexen pulled off his hood revealing his long blond hair as he grins.

???: "oh I would hate to ruin the moment your having... but to be honest, I wouldn't care about it whatsoever..." Said a voice as they turn to see a figure which had black eyes that was darker than even the night itself as he wore a purple and black trench coat and had his hood on, not revealing his entire face as he stood on another pillar as a shadowy rift was behind him.

Saix: "you're a new face, did Xemnas recruit you to the organisation?" He Said as the figure shook his head.

???: "you mean those idiots, please... I don't want anything to do with xehanort after all his failures, but I might be of some assistance." He Said making Saix wonder.

Saix: "What kind of assistance?"

Vexen: "it better be good for my research, otherwise I might as well leave." He Said as the figure smirked.

???: "oh, trust me... you would want every inch of this for your research vexen."

Vexen: "so you know us?"

???: "oh, I know more than just your names, I know how you fight, your history, the guardians of light, sora... but the one thing I know most about here, are these selected 4:" He Said making three heartless figures appeared looking like Trf, Shino and soundwave along with lazerbeak.

Saix: "hm? *notices Trf* I know him, he's sora's brother, Trf prime who can run faster than anybody else I've known, if I recall, and I've heard he's now a guardian of light himself."

Vexen: "Huh? The champion of light has a brother?! This is definitely gonna help me with my research, continue."

???: "the girl is named Shino omega, and the other two are called soundwave and lazerbeak, Alien robots from another world. But I'll get to the point. That man that is the leader of the 4 is someone I want you all to deal with." He Said making the darkness figures disappear with a swipe of his hand.

Saix: "and we will, just give us time it will happen, soon." He Said as the figure sighs before grinning as he then grabbed something inside the shadowy rift and pulled out a beaten body, that resembles Trf except in his original clothing which was red and his hair looked different.

Vexen: "Huh?! Another body?"

Saix: "a finished replica perhaps?"

???: "no... something far more advanced... *grins* another part of a memory, heart, and especially the soul." He Said planting an orb of darkness into the body as it then shakes a little while it heals before stopping as ??? Then drops it, causing the body to react and land on his feat as it summoned two key-blades as it snatched a shotgun off of ??? With its eyes closed and with brutal strength.

Vexen: "That is one magnificent creation, this is worth years of knowledge, maybe even decades. This is an opportunity worth for the taking!"

Saix: "impressive... what are you called?"

???: "me? heh... you may call me Exetior, and as for this fine puppet. You may call him the same, except he is named exetior chaosbringer, the other part of that mans life, especially his rage." He Said as he starts to laugh evilly as The exerior that looked like him looks opens his eyes, revealing that they look like Trf's, except they are reversed and have a purple and black aura come from them as he then smirked, revealing his sharp teeth and fangs.

There is only... A new beginning. (Male reader/Oc x Kingdom-hearts 3)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang