NINE~ T/D w/ G N G

Start from the beginning

"The chairs are for the 12 Olympians," Aphrodite whispered in my ear.

"Zeus, Hera, Posedion, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Hephaestus, Hermes, and Hestia or occasionally Dionysus, and you?" I managed to reply, wrinkling my forehead in concetration. "You got them down?" Vulcan smiled my way, his eyes mocking me.

I frowned, "Of course. I have to now my history after all I'm officially in the situation now."

Vulcan smile slipped, "Not yet you aren't. But you wouldnt want to be, our family is a bowl of nuts and mashed olives."

I stared at him, "Our?"

He led a tiny smile slip out as he held his hand out, "Hephaestus, god of fire. Nice to meet you."

I smiled, full on and instead of shaking his out strtched hand, I jumped and clapped my hand like a crazy person. "I knew it!!!" I exclaimed excitely, I did an awkward happy dance in a circle as both the new confirmed god and goddess gaped at me.

"Ahem," a deep voice echoed around the court.

I turned forward and my eyes dropped, a 10ft giant stood in front of me. Aphrodite, next to me straightened and turned a few shades whiter. Hephaestus straightened and his expression was blank and serious.

'Thats my Dad. Zeus, the king of all gods and godessess, and the god of the weather and the skies,' Aphrodite mouthed to me.

I stared at the big man, my neck craning up. "Errr... Hello?" I squeaked.

"Speak up, mortal. Don't you have a mouth?" he retorted.

"I do! And you just rudely accused of something untrue! And I said hello!" I said defensively.

He stared at me, intently giving me a once over. He turned to Aphrodite, and let out a warm and friendly smile, "I like this one. She's got a mouth and a backbone."

Aphrodite blushed red. I arched a eyebrow in amusement, as Hephaestus cleared his throat. All eyes swiveled to him, "Father, shall we start the meeting?" he said stiffly.

Zeus nodded, assuming his pose of stone and seriousness. Hephaestus walked off and took a seat at a throne, which was a clash of metallic sliver, white, gold and ivory. All connected with bright bolts ans nuts. He placed his walking stick in a slot in his chair which was also made to look like the throne's design.

I turned back to Zeus, who is 10ft then suddenly he was a tall 6ft man with the muscles and everything. His skirt dress shrinked, to reveal a part of his chest. "How-" Zeus was already in his throne. of which was the biggest connected by glass the color of the skies and glass that was as dark as night. there were also bolted lightning bolts scattered in specfic positions on the chair, making it look bigger and more fearful yet magnificent.

"You'll know soon," Aphrodite whispered next to me. I gave her a confused look. But she ignored it and waved me to follow her. She led me to the center of the court as she pointed to a small stage which was protected by a circular golden bar that had a opening for aa person to fit through.

"In there?" I asked, dumbly. She nodded.

"But isn't that where people are persecuted?" I say timidly.

"No, of course not. Were not that barbaric," she replies with a stern face, "We just ask questions of them and send them on their way."

I nodded, a false comfort. As I started to walk to the stage, I heard Aphrodite mutter to me, "Don't believe the myths they tell you on Earth, they never get the story right."

As she moved to her own throne, she kept muttering, 'Mortal myths are ridiculous these days.'

I moved cautiously to the stage, ignoring the pratically burning stares of Hephaestus and Zeus and probably Aphrodite now. The doors opened and i looked to see an outpour of people coming in, the rest of the gods and goddessess. My hands shook nervously, as I shook them to calm my nerves. As I ascended to the platform, I swept to the side allowing the full view of the court invade my vision.

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