The road so far

13 4 2

I laid my head against the car door, light tears streaming down my cheeks.

I tried not to let him notice

Am I a monster?

That thought continuously plagued my mind. It only made me feel worse.

I shuddered, as those thoughts danced around inside my head.
Soon the headlights shined on the copper colored paint peeling off the motel front.
Insects stirred in the headlights, whirring in circles with no definitive place to go.
Sam turned the key, as the car's engine quieted. The impala's door hinges squeaked as they flew open.
As my foot touched the ground, it seemed like the world stopped for a moment. Then it started spinning and spinning and spinning. I fell to my knees, wrapping my hands around the back of my head as an attempt to regain stability.
My father rushed to my side, saying a variety of things to calm me down.
"Cassie, are you alright? Can you hear me? You are gonna be ok, just breath it'll be ok"
Images flashed before my eyes
I was standing in the bunker, with blackened eyes and blood-soaked palms.

There were two individuals on the floor. Seemingly unconscious, or worse dead.
Dean ran into the bunker with a cold stare, before Sam rushed behind him and came to my aid.
The flash of a memory yet to exist faded, reality stilled and I was able to grasp a sense of stability.
"Hey..hey-Come back to me Cassie" My father's voice was quivering.

I gasped for air, something about falling in an out of consciousness shook away any breath I had in me.
I grasped onto his arm to steady my self, the spinning slowed. The world still looked hazy.

I prayed that those visions were far from the truth In that moment as my dad roped next back into a calm headspace.
Yet I wondered, with all that's supernatural in the world. Where is god, and why hasn't he done something to stop the insanity that plagues this earth?

"I'm okay, I'm okay" I repeated to him as I steadily lifted myself off of the ground. I stood up with a deep breath and dusted off my blue jeans.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder to help me stay upright. The few visions I've had have taken a large toll on me, an abundance of energy was wasted during each episode.
My lack of sleep and eagerness to keep moving, wasn't helping me recover.

I stumbled into the motel room, letting the door swing open on its squeaky hinges. Dean looked up from his paperwork, lots of newspapers sprawled across the circular wooden table propped against the wall.

He was on the phone.

"Alright Cas, good to know. Let me know if you find any information. If you need backup call us."
Dean hung up, he pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a sigh.

"Castiel and jack met with a few angels, as a report on angel radio stated that trouble was brewing. Demonic trouble that is. Not quite sure on the whole story of the matter yet, I've looked through these papers but it's a load of crap"
He tiredly explained.
The dark circles and bags beneath his eyes showed signs of no sleep, something it seemed most of us had been suffering from.

My friends were already asleep in there respective spots on the floor. Curled up in sleeping bags and plush blankets.
I noticed the bed was empty, and seeing as my father and uncle were still busy researching our next case.
I took advantage of the ability to sleep.

As soon as my head hit the plush pillow I drifted to sleep.

~Time skip~
•The next afternoon•

I carried my bags out to the impala, loading each item into the trunk. I marveled at the hidden weapons compartment for a moment. I found it quite cool.
Once everything was loaded in dean closed the trunk. Clinking with the gears before locking.

I opened the door to the backseat, sliding onto the leather interior.
I loved this car , classics has always been a favorite of mine. Especially dated back to the 60's, my uncle had been an avid car collector/ enthusiast. I picked up a few things through his talks and teachings regarding cars.

Ethan and Veronica loaded into the car as-well, having to set a few things on the floor beside our feet. Yet since Castiel and jack were off on a case, there was a reasonable amount of room available.

The car rumbled, and kicked up pebbles and dust as we left the motel lot. We started our journey towards yet another case, in an all too familiar location.

White chapel.

we were headed to my hometown, the last place I wanted to go. We were meeting Castiel and jack there, apparently the demonic issues were sourced from the old church in white chapel.

Dean mentioned we'd be staying in the area for a while, as there was still a bit to be uncovered.

White chapel is a small town, everyone knows each other. Gossip spreads like wildfire.
It would only be a matter of time before we became the talk of the town. I mean, us 3 teenagers suddenly disappears after the death of our guardians.

I had no idea what would happen when we arrived. I watched the blur of green trees and wheat fields pass us by, the pavement of the road smoothly gliding beneath the black wheels of the impala.

I tried to calm myself down, it couldn't go too wrong. Could it?

That's what I tried to tell my self, that "everything would be ok" .
That was until I heard the dreadful words escape Deans mouth.

"Since we are staying here a while, we need you to go undercover at the school. There have been several disappearances linked to the high School, you guys are our best bet at getting inside info." Dean explained, my father shot him a regretful glance.

My eyes widened.
This was going to be worse then I thought.


Hello all! My apologies for such a late update, I've been struggling to find motivation and time to write.
Still a couple more chapters to go!
Working on them whenever the chance is available.
Thank you for understanding <3


~White Chapel~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ