The adventures of Cas and jack

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                   Narrators POV:

(A few weeks ago...)

Jack touched Castiel's shoulder and transported themselves too what looked like an abandoned playground.
They walked around for a moment as Castiel peered around, in-between the playgrounds structure.
"Hello?" He said with uncertainty, as he and jack made their way over to a sandbox. Peculiar runes were carved into the top layer of the sand.

After a moment of silence, a rush of wind flooded the area. A woman with long black curls, dressed in a grey sweater appeared which contrasted her dark skin. She had a glow too her. She was an angel.

She sneered, realizing who she was faced with.
"Hello Castiel, have you finally decided to turn in that child for the monster he is?"

Jacks head titled, he peered at Castiel with a slight glint of anger in his eyes.

"I Heard on angel radio that there was trouble. There have been quite a few omens circulating. Thunderstorms, flash floods. Trouble is brewing, and although I may not be as welcome here as I'd hope. Im here to help"

Cas explained. The woman pursed her lips and sighed.

"Fine I'll let you through." She smirked, as she activated the portal in the sandbox.

"Whats your name?" Jack asked, Cas shook his head

'We don't have time for this jack' Castiel thought begrudgingly
The woman stopped for a moment, oddly hesitant to answer.
"Well my Vessels Name is Sally, So call me that" She said sarcastically.
Clearly not wanting to give up any information.
"Now go" she pointed the blade towards the two, as they walked into the beam of light radiating from the runes and sigils that were permanently carved into the sand.

[In Heaven]

The bright light faded as the Nephilim and angel Entered the white shiny halls of heaven.
Jack marveled at the building slightly, the light bouncing off his shiny eyes. His hair flopping over. He was bouncing around like a two-year-old...well he is a two-year-old Afterall.

A few angels entered the room, A man with jet black hair and pale skin, another with short ruffled brown hair. In the front stood a woman with bleach blond hair. Strands tucked neatly behind her ears.

"What is your business here Castiel We don't have time for you and your personal issues with the Winchesters"
She spoke with a bit of venom in her voice, clearly speaking as though she had more important things to attend too.
Cas's faced twisted into an annoyed frown, Jack looked at the 3 individuals standing in front of them. He raised his hand, but Cas grabbed his arm.
He shook his head at Jack, prompting Jacks eyes to fade  back into their normal color.

"Why is angel radio going crazy?" He questioned, demanding an answer

"Oh Castiel, it's funny how a fallen angel has so much care in what happens here" she said mockingly

"To put it simply, there's a big issue down there" she pointed to the floor, referring to hell

"A fairly notable specimen escaped, we are having difficulty locating him. Therefore wreaking havoc, . Yet as you know, dear ol' dad has no part in helping" she carried on, drawling our the story

"Okay, well we are after something too. That must be it. Matched with the omens. This is likely a serious threat"
Castiel responded in his usual raspy tone.

"well nothing you and the Winchester's can't handle right?" She said sarcastically emphasizing the "T".

Jack smiled in response "Nope" he said popping the "p"
The woman frowned, not a fan of his humor.
Cas' face was painted with annoyance, he looked at jack. "Let's go to the source"
Jack nodded, placing to fingers on Castiel's forehead before the bright light consumed them.
Eventually the light dimmed, leaving them surrounded by red and black rock, matched with fire lit lanterns on the wall.
"Crowley?" Cas shouted, hands cupped around his mouth to increase the sound.
(Yes, Crowley is alive in this story)
A few demons walked into the center hall were the two angels were standing, clearly not pleased that they were in their domain.
"Hello" Jack said kindly, raising his hand up
Castiel side-eyed him "Look ladies we don't want any trouble, we just want to speak to Crowley"
Cas attempted to reason with them yet was abruptly cut off.
The 3 demons attacked, kicking, punching, and throwing Cas against the wall. Jack was left out of the torment, yet he soon joined in. using his powers to throw the 3 demons off of Cass and hold them there. Eyes growing bright, golden in color.
Cas thankfully looked up at jack, the 3 individuals attempting to squirm out of his grasp.
Soon after, Crowley walked out of the dismal shadowed halls. Presumably accompanied by two hellhounds, and two demon henchmen dressed in black suits.
"Hello boys" Crowley smirked
Cas sneered
Jacks eyes faded, and he released the demons who had ben captive. 
"Thank you" Crowley nodded, he looked at the 3 with disappointment before snapping his fingers. They turned into black smoke.
"What can I do for you boys?"
He asked in his usual mocking tone, a smile to match.
"We are looking for a demon, who supposedly escaped your facility" Castiel said roughly as he stood up from his spot. Wiping the blood from his lip.
"Ah yes. Azazel." He said remorsefully
Crowley has grown on the boys, yet he figured the dark truth of Azazel's return would escape eventually. So, he made no attempt to hide it.
"WHAT?" Castiel hollered, eyes flashing a bright blue
"How dare you let him escape? You had one job!" Castiel grew into a fit of anger, jack stood confused. Yet could see that Castiel was in distress.
"I'm working on a solution, I'm sending out search parties as we speak!" Crowley responded loudly in his thick accent

"We need to tell Sam and Dean" Castiel said to jack, they teleported out of heaven.
Yet into an un-familiar place. About 10 miles away.
Jack was tired, and in need of human necessities. Food, sleep, maybe a car.
His powers were tiring the boy, Castiel knew this.
The only way they could get back to the boys was by car, and he'd have to wait until tomorrow.
Castiel and jack began walking down the dark asphalt road, Passing a sign that read "East Elm" A small town and eatery only about a mile away.
Cas' trench coat blew in the breeze, and jack went on and on about his powers and how much he'd read in the bunker.

A/N :

Thank you all for reading this chapter!
Stick around for the next, this is sorta a filler to explain where Castiel and jack have been while the Winchester's and friends have been off on their own.

It was nice to give Crowley a cameo, there's a few vague references to other shows in here too. Comment if you noticed!

Anyways stick around for the next chapter , Cassidy and crew are in for a treat.

~White Chapel~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang