Dank Basement wonderland (The Bunker)

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I wake up to the impala bouncing in and out of potholes.
We were on a secluded road.
I was tired, Veronica and Ethan still asleep.

I mumbled as I spoke
"Dad..are we almost to wherever we are going?" My eyes shot awake when I realized what I said, he noticed I was fumbling with my words.

"It's ok Cassie, you can call me dad. Even if it's weird I am." He chuckled a little

"Cassie?" I questioned, tilting my head in confusion
"Oh sorry do you not like that nickname?" Sam questioned

"No it's fine , I actually kinda like it. I'm only letting you and dean call me that though." As I spoke dean smirked and nodded.
I heard the sounds of classic rock on low volume. Playing on the radio.
"Hey can you turn that up?" I asked tapping dean on the shoulder.

"You like these songs?" Dean sounded surprised
"Yeah, I have a whole playlist. Kansas, Led Zeppelin ,lynard skynard ..you know the works" It was funny how confused my dad looked. Dean just turned up the music.

"That's one difference sam" Dean Hollard over the tunes, Sam rolled his eyes.

With the music now blaring, Veronica and Ethan we're both woken up. Veronica wiped her black hair from her eyes, Ethan stretching beside her with the little room we had in the back.

"Hey can we turn this down..? Or you know play something else?" Veronica questioned.
She mainly listened to theatre music, broadway musicals and such. She wasn't much of a fan for the classics.

"Sorry Veronica, Dean is pretty strict on music" Sam explained, rolling his eyes at his brother. Hands on the wheel, and moving his head with the music.

"House rules, Driver picks the music. Shotgun shuts his cake-hole." Remember Sammy?

He laughed, they clearly were not just brothers but best friends. I could see it in their eyes they had been through a lot. I wanted to ask, but I didn't want to pry into their personal lives.

Not yet at least.

After a little while longer of sitting back in the leather seats of the impala, watching the trees and bushes fly by. We finally arrived.

A hidden bunker. I was a little nervous, we drove hours away from our home in white chapel. What was left of our home anyway..

Dean said there'd be others here , waiting for them. Yet who?
We got no explanation.

All of us got out of the sleek black car, whom Dean named Baby.
I grabbed my things, and handed my friends theirs. They looked exhausted, I was used to pulling all nighters for hunts. I was fine.

We followed the guys to the door, it had an odd symbol on it. Which we were told was the men of letters symbol.
Whatever that meant , I was sure they'd explain later.

We step inside, wood floors and large staircases before us. Stacks upon stacks of books, and of course standard hunting supplies on the table below the stairs.

I heard voices coming from the easy wing, from the sound of it two men. That or one man, and someone around my age. The second voice sounded younger.

I walk down the stairs, with slight hesitation. Although I don't feel unsafe, I'm still highly on guard.

I sit my bag down on the table, and watch as the rest of the group does the same.
I start to shuffle through my things, when I feel a presence behind me.
Goosebumps spread across my body, hairs on my arms standing up.

I freeze, taking a deep breath. Seeing as there was no alarm around me . I turn around.
I am met with a dark haired man,wearing a trench coat and a backwards tie.

"Hello" I say turning around quickly
He presses two fingers to my forehead, everything turns bright for a moment. In a flash it's over.

"What the hell what that?" I protested
Looking to Sam and Dean for some sort of answer.

"Who are you?" I asked a bit annoyed

"I'm Castiel an angel of the lord. Also Sam, she is your daughter. You are very similar, in ways both good and bad."
Castiel replied , looking at Sam and Dean.

Shortly after a younger boy walks out, he looks about my age. He had a look of innocence to him.

He looked around the room with a smile, eyes wide. Almost as if he were here, and not here at the same time. Like a lost puppy.

"Hello! I'm jack" he said walking towards me. Putting his hand out.

I shook his hand.
"Hi I'm Cassidy, but you can call me Cass"
Castiel , looked at sam and Dean.

"Cassie, we call him Cass. So could jack and Castiel call you Cassie as-well? To you know, avoid confusion?"
Sam questioned, wanting to avoid a confusing situation in the making.

"Yeah that's fine" I agreed

"So are you guys like a team of superheroes or something?" Ethan questioned, bouncing on his heels a bit. He and jack looked a bit similar.

Veronica cut in, before anyone else could speak.
"No you dingus, they are hunters. They hunt monsters and stuff. According to the books, Sam and Dean are the best hunters out there. Castiel is an angel, and I'm not sure about jack.. he wasn't in the last book I bought"

Veronica gave jack a confused look

"Thanks for the introduction" Dean said dryly
Veronica looked slightly embarrassed

"Jack is the son of Lucifer, but his dad is gone and he's not like him. We consider him ours, a winchester. He's a Nephilum, meaning he's half angel, half human" Sam explained , gesturing as he spoke.

"So does that mean there are like, half demons too?" Ethan spoke up, he acted like a kid studying their favorite subject in class. I'm surprised he didn't raise his hand to speak.

Sam frowned a bit, and Castiel answered his question.

"Yes, there are. There are also people with demon powers." Castiel notes,not realizing his words may bother sam.
When he saw Sam's face, he sent a sympathetic glance his way.

"Alright, why don't we get you kids some food. Then we'll talk" Sam changed the subject, clearly wanting to leave the room.

We nodded, and jack led us towards the kitchen area of the bunker.

"Sam doesn't really like cereal, so I can't give you that. Yet we have pizza!" Jack smiled, opening the white fridge door and grabbing out a box of pizza.

The kitchen was rustic and old looking, yet almost seemed brand new, with how well kept the building was.

This place must be important
I thought to myself

Jack threw some pizza in the chrome colored microwave above the stove, making four pieces.

After about a minute thirty. He handed us our slices, eating like we hadn't had food in days.
All the adrenaline had led to exhaustion and hunger.

After eating, Cas walked in the room. Signaling us to the bunker. Which Veronica had coined the term, Dank basement wonderland. Based on another show she became obsessed with about a month prior to this situation.

We cleaned up our plates and leftover food, then made our way to what would likely be an odd or potentially life changing conversation.

Another chapter done! I'm really happy that my writing is getting such a positive reaction. There is so much more in store for Cassie and her friends. Potential newcomers too!

What do you think so far? Comment below!

I aim to upload chapters at least once a week. Also a heads up, I'm planning a prequel to this story. Would anyone be interested? Let me know.

See you in the next chapter!

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